
Por Markhorverse | Atualizado 2 months ago | Data

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Rapid account: Mobeenahmed 2002
5 months ago

Dear users,

I would like to inform you that DripCrawler experienced an interruption in service over the past two days due to changes in the terms and conditions of the free hosting service I had been utilizing, rendering it no longer accessible without cost. Nevertheless, I am committed to maintaining the accessibility of this API at no charge and am eager to introduce additional features in the future.

To address the current situation, I have migrated DripCrawler to a paid platform with a complimentary free-tier subscription. However, it is important to note that this arrangement may be subject to changes, potentially leading to a shutdown in the near future.

If you appreciate the work I am doing and wish to support the continued availability of this API, kindly consider contributing at:

Buy Me A Coffee

Furthermore, I welcome your input on potential features for future development. Let us collaborate in building and enhancing this platform together for the benefit of all users.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Best regards,

Rapid account: Mobeenahmed 2002
mobeenahmed2002 Commented 5 months ago

@pplayduel RapidAPI is just a publishing platform and not a hosting service. API’s need to be hosted on a server and then published on RapidAPI.

Rapid account: Pplayduel
pplayduel Commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your development!

Is the new platform not RapidAPI? Is it up somewhere?

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