
Por Miki Lior | Atualizado 21日前 | Business Software

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Bitly Package

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret, accessToken

How to get credentials:

  1. Get authorization code for this instruction.
  2. Make request to getAccessToken method.


Returns access token.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Your application’s bitly client id.
clientSecret credentials Your application’s bitly client secret.
code credentials The OAuth verification code acquired via OAuth’s web authentication protocol.
redirectUri String The page to which a user was redirected upon successfully authenticating.


Returns metadata about a single Bitlink.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.


Given a bitly URL or hash (or multiple), returns the target (long) URL.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
shortUrl String shortUrl - refers to one or more Bitlinks. e.g.: or


This is used to return the page title for a given Bitlink.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
shortUrl String shortUrl - refers to one or more Bitlinks. e.g.: or


This is used to query for a Bitlink based on a long URL.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
url String One or more long URLs to lookup.


Given a long URL, returns a Bitlink.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
longUrl String A long URL to be shortened (example:


Changes link metadata in a user’s history.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String The Bitlink to be edited.
title String The title of this Bitlink.
note String A description of, or note about, this Bitlink.
private Boolean Indicating privacy setting (defaults to user-level setting).


This is used to query for a Bitlink shortened by the authenticated user based on a long URL or a Bitlink.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String One or more Bitlinks to lookup.
url String One or more long URLs to lookup.


Saves a long URL as a Bitlink in a user’s history, with optional pre-set metadata. (Also returns a short URL for that link.)

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
longUrl String The URL to be saved as a Bitlink.
title String The title of this Bitlink.
note String A description of, or note about, this Bitlink.
private Boolean Indicating privacy setting (defaults to user-level setting).
domain String The short domain to use; either,, or or a custom short domain. The default for this parameter is the short domain selected by each user in their bitly account settings. Passing a specific domain via this parameter will override the default settings.


Returns the number of clicks on a single Bitlink.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
rollup Boolean Return data for multiple units rolled up to a single result instead of a separate value for each period of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns metrics about the countries referring click traffic to a single Bitlink.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
rollup Boolean Return data for multiple units rolled up to a single result instead of a separate value for each period of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns users who have encoded this long URL (optionally only those in the requesting user’s social graph).

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.
subaccounts Boolean Restrict to this enterprise account and its subaccounts
limit Number 1 to 25 (default=10).
expandUser Boolean Include display names of encoders.


Returns users who have encoded this link (optionally only those in the requesting user’s social graph), sorted by the number of clicks on each encoding user’s link.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.
subaccounts Boolean Restrict to this enterprise account and its subaccounts
limit Number 1 to 25 (default=10).
expandUser Boolean Include display names of encoders.


Returns the number of users who have shortened (encoded) a single Bitlink.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.


Returns past destination urls for a keyword with the clicks per destination.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns metrics about the pages referring click traffic to a single Bitlink.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns metrics about the pages referring click traffic to a single Bitlink, grouped by referring domain.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns metrics about the domains referring click traffic to a single Bitlink.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String Bitlink.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Return information about an OAuth app.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
clientId String The client ID of the app.


Return information about a user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.


Update user information.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
login String The bitly login of the user whose info to look up. If not given, the authenticated user will be used.
fullName String Set the users full name value. (only available for the authenticated user.)


Returns entries from a user’s link history in reverse chronological order.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
link String The Bitlink or Bitlinks to return metadata for (when specified, overrides all other options), can be provided multiple times.
limit Number Integer in the range 1 to 100 default: 50, specifying the max number of results to return.
offset Number Specifying the numbered result at which to start (for pagination).
createdBefore Number Timestamp as an integer unix epoch.
createdAfter Number Timestamp as an integer unix epoch.
modifiedAfter Number Timestamp as an integer unix epoch.
expandClientId Boolean Whether to provide additional information about encoding application.
archived String on, offor both whether to include or exclude archived history entries. (on = return only archived history entries) default: off.
private String on, off and both whether to include or exclude private history entries. (on = return only private history entries) default: both.
deeplinks String on, off or both whether to include or exclude deeplink entries. (on = return only active deeplink history entries) default: off.
user String The user for whom to retrieve history entries (if different from authenticated user).
exactDomain String An exact domain to filter on history entries.
rootDomain String A root domain to filter on history entries.
keyword String Custom keyword to filter on history entries.
campaignId String Filter to return only links for the given campaign_id, can be provided multiple times.
query String Ad hoc text search string.


Returns a list of tracking domains a user has configured.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.


Returns the aggregate number of clicks on all of the authenticated user’s Bitlinks.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
rollup Boolean Return data for multiple units rolled up to a single result instead of a separate value for each period of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns aggregate metrics about the countries referring click traffic to all of the authenticated user’s Bitlinks.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns the authenticated user’s most-clicked Bitlinks (ordered by number of clicks) in a given time period.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns aggregate metrics about the pages referring click traffic to all of the authenticated user’s Bitlinks.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
rollup Boolean Return data for multiple units rolled up to a single result instead of a separate value for each period of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns aggregate metrics about the domains referring click traffic to all of the authenticated user’s Bitlinks. If the user is a master account, or is a subaccount with full_reports permission, the user may choose to view the metrics of any account belonging to the master account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
rollup Boolean Return data for multiple units rolled up to a single result instead of a separate value for each period of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Returns the number of Bitlinks created in a given time period by the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
rollup Boolean Return data for multiple units rolled up to a single result instead of a separate value for each period of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).


Query whether a given domain is a valid bitly pro domain. Keep in mind that bitly custom short domains are restricted to less than 15 characters in length.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
domain String A short domain. ie:


Returns the number of clicks on Bitlinks pointing to the specified tracking domain that have occured in a given time period.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
domain String A tracking domain as returned from getUserTrackingDomains method.


Returns the number of clicks on Bitlinks pointing to the specified tracking domain that have occured in a given time period.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials The OAuth access token for specified user.
domain String A tracking domain as returned from .
unit String hour, day, week or month, default: day.
units String An integer representing the time units to query data for. Pass -1 to return all units of time.
rollup Boolean Return data for multiple units rolled up to a single result instead of a separate value for each period of time.
limit Number 1 to 1000 (default=100).
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Miki Lior
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