TikTok Downloader - Download Videos without watermark

Por Guzal Mirzahadjaeva | Atualizado 16 दिन पहले | Social

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Video Ads are not being handled

Rapid account: Arfaouibechir
2 वर्ष पहले

example https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF6e6QYa/ is a Video Ad

It will great if you can handle that properly in the responde

since I see that you have the is_ad in the aweme_detail attributes

my suggestions is to return the same payload as a normal video (empty) with only aweme_detail -> is_ad correctly populated true/false.

that way you prevent exceptions at the level of the client side since the developer can read and handle that scenario properly.

Rapid account: Mirzahadjaevaguzal
mirzahadjaevaguzal Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Hello, now the is_ads attribute is returned properly. Try it and let me know…

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