Rent Estimate

Por Realty Mole | Atualizado 14일 전 | Business

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When its a multi family property is the estimate based on per unit or the whole property?

Rapid account: Watchamacollin

When its a multi family property is the estimate based on per unit or the whole property?

Rapid account: Moneals
moneals Commented 2년 전

Hi there,

Sorry for the late reply!

For multi-family properties, our API is designed to return rent estimates for a single unit, not the entire building. So, when you are passing specific property attributes in your request (ex. “bedrooms”, “bathrooms”, “squareFootage”), you should also provide values for a single unit that you’d like to get a rent estimate for, not a combined total for the whole building.

Kevin Willow
Realty Mole Support

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