Enrichment B2B - Linkedin - Crunchbase -Datagma

Por Raphael | Atualizado 2 months ago | Data

9.7 / 10



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Tried it out, you're missing a lot of data

Rapid account: Reedthroston
2 years ago

Tried this out to test it against this other api that seems to be more popular:

For just trying to pull LinkedIn company information which is all I’m really trying to do - I much prefer the other api. I get more data (they include useful things like total follower count of the company and break out the headquarters location into city, state, zip code rather than put it all in one line). They also provide info on a couple employees as well as recent posts etc.

You’ve got a cool thing going but it feels like you’re trying to do too much with just one endpoint. Maybe spread some of the options out across different endpoints so that the data returned when just looking for stuff like company data isn’t so buried 100 levels down in the json response and then also not there reliably?

Rapid account: Raphael 0 Lp OS Wj HK 34
raphael-0lpOSWjHK34 Commented 2 years ago

Hello Reed,

I just seen this message now.

Thanks for the feedback, it’s something we are considering to be honnest.

Check our recent update, I will let you know !



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