Linkedin API

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Return all results in a single call

Rapid account: Matt Jr 4 Rn IIL
a month ago

I am wondering how I can return ALL the results without using pagination.
My keyword is Accountant
Location is 104769905
There are about 380 results on LinkedIn for this search. I want to be able to return them all in a single call without having to use pagination + multiple calls.

Is this possible?

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented a month ago

" I just make calls until I get less then 50 results"
Excatly. You should do it.

Rapid account: Matt Jr 4 Rn IIL
matt-jr_4rnIIL Commented a month ago

Ok. So how do I retreive all the results for a search using pagination without knowing how many pages there are? Do I just make calls until I get less then 50 results?

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented a month ago

Due to LinkedIn limitation we can’t provide this feature for now.

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