Linkedin Data API

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Recruiter Details

Rapid account: Sairammamidala
vor einem Monat

Is there any endpoint to retrieve recruiter details for a Job ID. I see there is an endpoint get-hiring-team where we get only the name and few other details. But is there a way where we can retrieve their email ID’s for sending resume and other details to their inbox.

Rapid account: Sairammamidala
sairammamidala Commented vor einem Monat

Fantastic. I am eagerly waiting for this feature.

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented vor einem Monat

It will be ready within this week.

Rapid account: Sairammamidala
sairammamidala Commented vor einem Monat

Thank you very much team.
That really helps. Is there any ETA on when this endpoint can be available?

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented vor einem Monat

Hello. Unfortunately, LinkedIn doesnt provide email address of a profile, but we are working on a feature to find their business email address. We can inform you when it is ready.

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