Bando Radio API

Por Serhat E | Atualizado vor 2 Monaten | Music

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Empowering Your API Journey with RapidAPI
Radios API
This repository provides a powerful and easy-to-use API for accessing a vast collection of radio stations. With this API, you can enhance your applications with features like searching for radio stations, retrieving station details, and playing radio streams.

Search Radio Stations: Easily search for radio stations based on keywords, genres, or countries.
Get Station Details: Retrieve detailed information about a specific radio station, including its name, genre, country, and streaming URL.
Play Radio Streams: Integrate radio streaming functionality into your application to allow users to listen to their favorite stations.
Filter by Genres or Countries: Filter radio stations based on specific genres or countries to provide a personalized radio experience.
Rate and Review Stations: Enable users to rate and review radio stations, fostering community engagement and feedback.

Seguidores: 5
API Creator:
Rapid account: Serhat E
Serhat E
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Avaliação: 3 - Votos: 2