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Por Shahmir Faisal | Atualizado il y a 2 mois | News, Media

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Which channel new you are getting

Rapid account: Sammarhashmi
il y a 2 ans
My Queston is you are using all pakistani channels for getting latest news or particular, like as GEo dawn etc.

Can we get urdu news also?

Rapid account: Rizzzzwan 66
rizzzzwan66 Commented il y a 2 ans

these endpoints showing 503 server error from last week but why??

Rapid account: Masaakitech
masaakitech Commented il y a 2 ans

not even workıng

Rapid account: Shahmir 049
shahmir049 Commented il y a 2 ans

For now I gets the news from Dawn. And It is in English. I am looking to add urdu news as well.

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