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Bad data in World Rankings

Rapid account: Wesleyjasonelliott
एक महीने पहले

Some of the player data coming from the World Rankings has some bad data in the last name and full name. For example, Tyler Duncan has the last name as Duncan(Jul1989) and full name as Tyler Duncan(Jul1989) (seems thats his birthday).

This doesn’t seem to be an issue on the players endpoint, just the world rankings endpoint

Rapid account: Slashgolf
slashgolf Commented एक महीने पहले


It is likely that there’s another Tyler Duncan in the history of the PGA Tour, so this is how the tour distinguishes them by name in the OWGR list.

As a workaround, you can always use the playerId as a source of truth to lookup player names. Nevertheless, we will update our system to strip any superfluous information from the player’s name.

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