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Por David | Atualizado hace 25 días | Food

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Recipe ingredient serving unit (serving size)

Rapid account: Aaronmagri 91
hace 7 años


Sometime we get recipe ingredient with ‘serving’ information. How do you quantify serving information?

For example
In this example, we have few ingredients which have ‘serving’ unit. But how do we know that ‘vegetable oil’ 3 servings and ‘seltzer water’ 3 servings are actually different amount(it may be similar)? Here specifically for this example, should we just assume that 3 servings of vegetable oil is (let assume approx 10 grams) is equal to 3 servings of seltzer water(which i assume again will be 10 grams too).

Is there any way to differentiate that 1 servings of one ingredients is not equal to same amount for another ingredient of 1 serving?

If this is hard to understand, let me know I will try to explain it in more detail. Basically, I think serving size is different for different ingredients. It should be clearly specified in API.

Not specifying what is actually serving size for the ingredient confuses the end users, who actually read the recipe data in websites and in applications likewise.

Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented hace 7 años


The problem with “servings”: This only happens when the original recipe does not specify anything. For example, the original recipe only said “seltzer water”, not how much, no unit, nothing. We then assume “1 serving” per serving for the recipe. You are absolutely right, 1 serving seltzer water can be something different than 1 serving flour for example. You can use this endpoint to convert

PS: On you will see it replaced by “some seltzer water” to be kind on the viewers eyes 😃


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