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Por tank01 | Atualizado 11 दिन पहले | Sports

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NBA team does not have team logo?

I am trying to implement NBA sports api in our project.
The api “/getNBATeams” to teams does not return team logo.
Should i use another api? or could you tell me what api should i use?

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented 3 mesi fa

Hi Michael,

All of the major league sports teams trademark their logos. The APIs provide links to where people can find team logos online. We don’t own them and definitely do not have any say as to what the apple store will let you upload.

I think you also e-mailed me on this, I’ll respond to you more there.

Rapid account: Michael U Lnhxf 1 X
michael-U-lnhxf1X Commented 3 mesi fa

I’m getting an error for the apple store upload. Are we able to upload images of trademark? this is what I’m getting. Do you have documentation of somekind?

Rapid account: Superbluestar 0116
superbluestar0116 Commented 6 mesi fa

Thank you very much.

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented 6 mesi fa

Hi Naoyuki, the /getNBATeams has team logos. Most teams have 2 logos and some teams have 3. I think the issue is that the example call on the page is outdated and was saved there before we added team logos. I’ll update the example today. In the mean time you can make the call to the endpoint and get the data. Hope this helps!

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