Tank01 MLB Live In-Game Real Time Statistics

Por tank01 | Atualizado 2 days ago | Sports

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Get Stats for multiple players in one request

Rapid account: Paulscior
20 days ago

I’m trying to calculate the top players for some given stats. The endpoint I found has the stats is: https://tank01-mlb-live-in-game-real-time-statistics.p.rapidapi.com/getMLBGamesForPlayer?playerID=PLAYER_ID&season=YEAR, but I don’t want to make a request for every player in the league. Is there a way to get all player stats in one request or is there an endpoint I haven’t seen for this?

Thanks in advance.

Rapid account: Paulscior
paulscior Commented 11 days ago

Thanks, that did the trick.

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented 20 days ago

Hi! We do some aggregation on team stats and what we call ‘top performers’, which may be what you’re looking for?

If you look at the “get teams” endpoint, you’ll see options for teamStats and topPerformers. topPerformers=true will give you the best player for each stat on each team.

Also if you look at the “get team rosters” endpoint, you’ll see an option for getStats. if getStats=true then you’ll get stats for each player on that team, so you don’t have to call each player individually. I think that may be what you need. You’d need to make one call for each team, but that’s more efficient than calling for each player in the roster.

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