AI Textraction

Por TextractionAI | Atualizado hace un mes | Text Analysis

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Input Text

  • Text to extract entities from.
  • Up to 50,000 characters long.

example: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

Input Entities:

  • An array of custom query entities to extract from the text, up to 30 entities per request.
  • Each entity entry is described by a JSON with 3-4 key-value pairs:
    • “description”: a free text description of the entity, up to 150 characters long.
    • “type”: desired entity value output format, any primitive (“string”, “integer”, “float”, “boolean”), or any array of them (example: “array[string]”).
    • “var_name”: a descriptive entity variable name to be used in the output results, up to 50 characters long. It must start with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or underscores.
    • (optional) “valid_values”: an array of valid extracted entity values - use it to limit the extracted entity value to one of pre-defined possible values. Up to 20 values, up to 50 characters each.

example: [{“description: “number of animals mentioned in text”, “type”: “integer”, “var_name”: num_of_animals”}]


  • “results”: a JSON containing an entry for each input entity, mapping from var_name to to the extracted value.
  • “stats”: a JSON with basic request statistics.

example: {“results”: {“num_of_animals”: 2}, “stats”: {“n_text_characters”: 44, “n_entities”: 1, “n_tokens_used”: 300}}


  • Extract custom entities from unstructured text.
  • Powered by a powerful SOTA AI model.
  • Multi-language support.
  • Supports long texts: up to 50,000 characters.


  • View our website for inspirational examples:
  • Input Text:
    • Remove any irrelevant parts of the text to focus the model on the relevant parts only (examples: HTML tags, irrelevant paragraphs, etc).
    • If relevant, add metadata and context for a better semantic understanding (example: “The following Curriculum Vitae was received from a candidate on 2023-04-23: …”).
  • Input Entities:
    • Description:
      • Be explicit and accurately describe the desired value (example: “number of rooms in the property, including only bedrooms and living rooms”).
      • If relevant, specify an output format for better standartization (examples: YYYY-mm-dd, ISO, etc).
      • If needed, add limitations (example: “product summary, 3-5 words”).
    • Variable name:
      • Should be descriptive.
      • Think of them as variable names in a programming language, JSON keys, or columns names of a data table.
    • Type:
      • Should match the desired output value.
    • Valid values:
      • If needed, limit the extracted entity value to one of several expected values.
      • This is very useful when dealing with categorical values (example: automatically setting a value for a drop-down list or a radio button).
  • Output:
    • The model is trained to handle missing/uncertain values by returning a “null” - handle them according to your product requirements (example: fill them with a default value).

Common Use Cases

  • Parse any text:
    • Curriculum Vitae: candidate name, contact details, skills, education, etc.
    • Product listing: product name, specifications, price, etc.
    • Financial: revenues, number of sold items, earning per share, stock ticker, etc.
    • Customer support: order id, customer’s request, etc.
  • Automatically fill/validate detailed user input fields (checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists, text boxes, etc) based on a free text user input.
  • Convert multiple texts into data tables:
    • Add filters based on text entities.
    • Train Machine Learning (ML) models over the extracted entities.
  • Get answers to questions about a text in a structured format.


We offer 100 requests per month for free to try our service. To use our API at a larger scale, subscribe to our PRO, ULTRA or MEGA plan at a price ranging from 0.017$ to 0.02$ per request. See exact details here.