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Locked bets

Rapid account: Jmoreland 1696
לפני שנה

Certain books (specifically Wynnbet) will leave bets on their site but will have them locked. Is there a way to filter these? I can’t find anything in the data.

Also, wondering if you are planning to add any additional US books (Caesers, Bet365). Thanks!

Rapid account: Jmoreland 1696
jmoreland1696 Commented לפני שנה

Thanks for the reply!

Rapid account: Theoddsapi
theoddsapi Commented לפני שנה

Thanks for reaching out. We aim to automatically remove suspended / locked markets from the API , and we have just put it a fix for Wynnbet.

We are always looking to add new bookmakers and welcome any suggestions. Note Caesers is already available using the bookmaker key “williamhill_us”.

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