Shazam Core

Por Tipsters CO | Atualizado 10 giorni fa | Music

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Getting javascript fetch 422, 400 errors

Rapid account: Hardboiledartguy

Keep getting 422, 400 errors sending mp3 file through fetch. detail: "There was an error parsing the body"
What is the best way to add a file to the body. Code snippet does not include body declaration.

Rapid account: Hardboiledartguy
hardboiledartguy Commented 2 anni fa

Make sure you name input field correctly.
input field has to have a name=“file” attribute as API requires it.

Rapid account: Hardboiledartguy
hardboiledartguy Commented 2 anni fa

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 422 () RapidAPI.js?9bbf:30

Success: Object
detail: Array(1)
loc: Array(2)
0: “body”
1: “file”
length: 2
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)
msg: “field required”
type: “value_error.missing”
[[Prototype]]: Object
length: 1
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)
[[Prototype]]: Object

What field am I missing??

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 2 anni fa

Hi. Email me or telegraph me. And give me examples of the request.

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