Midjourney API

Por useapi.net | Atualizado vor 2 Monaten | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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how do I switch between --fast --relax and --turbo???

Rapid account: Johnwebbmiller
vor 9 Monaten

Do see that in you API docs

Rapid account: Useapinet
useapinet Commented vor 9 Monaten

Use the --fast --turbo or --relax parameter

Standard, Pro, and Mega plan subscribers can use the --relax, --fast, or --turbo parameters at the end of a prompt to run a single job using Relax, Fast, or Turbo mode instead of changing their preferred setting.

Technically speaking user can stick any of those params right in the prompt so if you want to control that aspect you may want to sanitize user input and remove/swap those params to desired values. Perhaps with regex.

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