Rapid account: Sqerty

Sqerty / omergulen


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Hi @trendingofyt, thanks for asking! Hope you are doing great as well! **> Will the API be up and running 24/7 without any interruptions?** As you can see in the statistics as well, we have a 100% Service Level. Since the moment we've started providing this service, we didn't have any down time yet. **So, yes, our plan is to keep it up and running 24/7.** Though, in the future there could be planned maintenances, yet there is none planned yet in the roadmap. **> Can we get all the threads of user by 1 go? even if a user have 200 - 600 Threads?** Yes, and no ? On our side, we don't limit any content or anything, though there are some limitations on the Threads side, and the numbers vary. Since they want users to be using the product from only their mobile app, they are providing limited content to the outside. I hope my answers satisfied your questions. Thanks for your interest, I'm glad to support, and if anything else I'd love to talk to you ? Cheers! mar 8:14 15/8/23
Hey Ryan, Thanks for contacting! Unfortunately this is a hard limit from the Threads side, it only allows last 14 comments to be fetched. The only possible way could be to go with reverse-engineered mobile endpoints which would require you to authenticate with user (which is likely to be suspended). Also, it is agains Threads Term of Use, you could face some other legal concerns. If you want to talk about the limitations and other options feel free to contact me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/omergulenn) please. Have a good one! gio 12:28 10/8/23
Hey @lareinehan, I've checked your usage, and it seems like you are calling `users/threads` and ` /users/replies` endpoints with username. Those endpoints are meant to be called with userId. What you can do is use another endpoint of ours, and get the userId first, and then you can call Threads or Replies endpoint with that userId instead of username. I hope this will help you, please do not hesitate to ask if you have any further questions ? Have a good one! lun 6:25 7/8/23
Returns random user's followers instead of the given id gio 3:35 13/7/23