
Por voicerss | Atualizado 8 days ago | Media

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Audio URL

Rapid account: Seayeshaiftikhar
2 years ago

How can we get generated audio url to download it via mobile applications.

Rapid account: Zahadka
zahadka Commented 2 years ago

Can you provide some JS code snippets for handling your binary data like converting to audio file data?

Rapid account: Seayeshaiftikhar
seayeshaiftikhar Commented 2 years ago

Hi there!
Can you please share the example of that as well to use inside an application.

Thanks & Regards
Ayesha Iftilkhar

Rapid account: Voicerss
voicerss Commented 2 years ago

Dear seayeshaiftikhar,

Thank you for your interest in our service.

Our API does not provide a URL to download an audio file.
The API generates an audio content on a request and returns an audio stream which can be handled on the caller side and store received audio content to an audio file on the caller side.

Yours faithfully,
Voice RSS Team.

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