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API Access Offer for Students

Rapid account: Aturcey
8 лет назад


As a French student in Master of Computing at an engineering school, (ESGI at Paris) I am required to write a dissertation that will close my study.
The subject of this dissertation is : “What managing steps of an E-commerce Website can we computerized?”.
The memory has a part dedicated to the developement of a solution (Demonstration).
So I would like to know if I could use some APIs from Webnox which is very interesting for us.
I would be very grateful if you could offer us a reduced rate, we would like use at least for end of March 2017 to achieve this project.

If I’m talking about March 2017, it is because at this time of the year, we will demonstrate our whole project in front of a jury, talking about the tools we used to accomplish it. The jury is composed of professionnal, including E-Commerce professionnal.
So I have no doubt that if you accept my request, you will be rewarded with a great back investment on your brand image.

Thank you for considering my request and for the time you will give to it, if you need any information, feel free to contact me.

Best regards,


Rapid account: Webknox
webknox Commented 7 лет назад

Hi Adrien,

sorry for the late reply, due to a bug I have not been informed about this comment. Is this still relevant or have you moved on?


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