
Por Igor Zakutynsky | Atualizado 8 days ago | Tools
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Robin Package

Robin’s API gives developers the power to interact with their team’s data (locations, spaces, presence, etc.) and build third-party applications to extend Robin’s capabilities…

How to get credentials:

  1. Navigate to your Robin dashboard.
  2. Open Settings -> Integrations.
  3. Click Generate new token


Get an organization’s details.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug (i.e. username) of the organization.


Get all of an organization’s locations.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug (i.e. username) of the organization.
query String Will filter by a specified location name.
page Number The page of the result.
perPage Number How many results are returned per page.


Creates a new location for the organization.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug (i.e. username) of the organization.
name String The locations name.
description String The locations description.
address String The street address of the location.
image String A URL containing an image of the location.


Get all of users in an organization

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug (i.e. username) of the organization.
query String Will filter by a specified user name.
page Number The page of the result.
perPage Number How many results are returned per page.
ids String A comma separated list of IDs to retrieve.


Invites new users to an organization

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug (i.e. username) of the organization.
name String The name of the user to invite.
email String The email of the user to invite.


Get details about an organization’s user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug (i.e. username) of the organization.
userId String The ID or slug of the user.


Get details about an organization’s amenities.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug (i.e. username) of the organization.


Create a new amenity for the organization.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug (i.e. username) of the organization.
name String The name of the amenity.


Gets a User resource.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug of the user.


Gets a list of a User’s presence history.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug of the user.


Get a user’s events.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID or slug of the user.


Get the current authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token


Get the currently authenticated user’s presence.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token


Get the currently authenticated user’s events.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token


Returns a Location resource, containing information about the location.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the location


Updates a Location resource.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the location
name String The location name.
description String The location’s description.
address String The address of the location. When changed, the longitude and latitude will automatically be recalculated if the address is valid.
image String A URL containing a photo of the location.


Get all of a location’s spaces.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the location
query String Will filter by a specified space name.
page Number The page of the result.
perPage Number How many results are returned per page.


Create a new space in the location.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the location
name String The name of the space.
description String The space’s description.
image String A URL containing a photo of the space.
capacity Number The maximum capacity of the space.
type String The space type. Must be a valid type from the list that can be found on the space resource page.
isAccessible Boolean Whether the space meets accessibility requirements for the disabled. A false value means that it is unspecified, not that it does not meet the criteria.


Get current presence for a location

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the location
spaceIds String A comma separated list of space IDs to filter by.
page Number The page of the result.
perPage Number How many results are returned per page.


Add presence to a space

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the location
userId String The ID of the user who is present.
deviceId String The ID of the device reporting the presence. This parameter is only required if user_ref is omitted.
sessionTtl Number How long to extend the presence session for, in seconds. If presence is posted with a TTL of 60 seconds and then again 120 seconds later, Robin will treat these as two separate sessions.


Expire a user or device’s presence in a space

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the location
userId String The ID of the user who is present.
deviceId String The ID of the device reporting the presence. This parameter is only required if user_ref is omitted.


Get details about a space.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space to return.
spaces String Optional submodel includes, such as calendar.


Update’s the properties of an existing Space.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space to return.
name String The name of space.
description String The space’s description.
discoveryRadius String A decimal number that specifies the distance in meters from a beacon that a person should be standing within to be counted as present in the space.
capacity Number The maximum capacity for the space.
image String A URL containing an image of the space.
type String The space type. Must be a valid type from the list that can be found on the space resource page.
isAccessible Boolean Whether the space meets accessibility requirements for the disabled. A false value means that it is unspecified, not that it does not meet the criteria.


Permanently deletes a Space resource and all of it’s related submodels, such as events.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space to remove.


Get a list of a space’s events.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space
after String Lower bound for an event’s end property
before String Upper bound for an event’s start property
creationType Select Either automatic, manual or synced
page Number The page to return
perPage Number The amount of results to return per page


Book an event in a space

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space
title String A title for the event. If omitted, a title will be automatically generated from the space’s name and the name of the user that is booking the event.
startDate DatePicker A composite datetime / timezone object that represents the start of the event.
startTimeZone String A valid IANA timezone identifier, such as America/New_York.
endDate DatePicker An ISO-8601 timestamp representing the end of the event.
endTimeZone String A valid IANA timezone identifier, such as America/New_York.
description String Description for event. Will show up in meeting invite.
visibility String The visibility type. See the event resource page for a list of valid types.
recurrence String An array RFC-5545 compliant content-lines that are of the type RRULE, RDATE, and EXDATE.
invitees Array The invitees to invite.


Get the amenities for a space.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space


Get a specific amenity or check if an amenity exists in a space.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space
amenityId Number The amenity ID


Adds an amenity to a space.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space
amenityId Number The amenity ID


Removes an amenity to a space.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space
amenityId Number The amenity ID


Get any current presence for a space

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space
query String Will filter by a specified space name
page Number The page of the result
perPage Number How many results are returned per page


Add presence to a space

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space
userId String The ID of the user who is present.
deviceId String The ID of the device reporting the presence. This parameter is only required if user_ref is omitted.
sessionTtl Number How long to extend the presence session for, in seconds. If presence is posted with a TTL of 60 seconds and then again 120 seconds later, Robin will treat these as two separate sessions.


Expire a user or device’s presence in a space

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space
userId String The ID of the user who is present.
deviceId String The ID of the device reporting the presence. This parameter is only required if user_ref is omitted.


Returns a list of devices that belong to the Space resource. This is indicative of hardware that is physically inside the space, such as a beacon, motion sensor, or projector.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space
manifest String When provided, results will be filtered by the specified device manifest
page Number The page of the result
perPage Number How many results are returned per page


Gets the availability state for the space.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the space


Get an event.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the event
include String Optional submodel includes, such as confirmation and space.


Update’s the properties of an existing Event.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the event
title String A title for the event. If omitted, a title will be automatically generated from the space’s name and the name of the user that is booking the event.
startDate DatePicker A composite datetime / timezone object that represents the start of the event.
startTimeZone String A valid IANA timezone identifier, such as America/New_York.
endDate DatePicker An ISO-8601 timestamp representing the end of the event.
endTimeZone String A valid IANA timezone identifier, such as America/New_York.
description String Description for event. Will show up in meeting invite.
visibility String The visibility type. See the event resource page for a list of valid types.
recurrence String An array RFC-5545 compliant content-lines that are of the type RRULE, RDATE, and EXDATE.
invitees Array The invitees to invite.


Gets the confirmation or checks if a confirmation exists for an event.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the event


Confirms an event.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the event
deviceId Number Required if not authorized as a user.


Removes a confirmation for an event.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the event


Cancels an event.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
id String The ID of the event


Search space availability based on multiple parameters and get back results in a Best Fit order

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
locationIds String One or more location IDs, separated by commas. Will include all spaces in the given locations in the result.
spaceIds String One or more space IDs, separated by commas. Can be combined with location_ids
after DatePicker Lower bound for free-busy query, as a valid ISO8601 DateTime format.
before DatePicker Upper bound for free-busy query, as a valid ISO8601 DateTime format.
duration Number The amount of time required between two events for a space to be considered free, as a valid ISO8601 DateTime period. (eg. PT60M)
types String Comma separated space types. Unmatched spaces will be filtered out entirely.
amenityIds String Comma separated amenity IDs. Unmatched spaces will be filtered out entirely.
query String Space name filter. Unmatched spaces will be filtered out entirely.
minCapacity String Filter for max space capacity. Unmatched spaces will be filtered out entirely.
maxCapacity String Filter for max space capacity. Unmatched spaces will be filtered out entirely.
page Number The page to return.
perPage Number The amount of results to return per page.


Get a list of supported device manifests

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Robin access token
page Number The page to return.
perPage Number The amount of results to return per page.
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API Creator:
Rapid account: Igor Zakutynsky
Igor Zakutynsky
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