Custom QR Code with Logo

By qrcode-monkey | Updated hace 15 días | Tools

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Using logos in QR codes does not work in many scenarios

Rapid account: Cheqr
hace 2 años

I am trying to use the custom QR code API endpoint with a logo from a custom image, but I find it working only in very specific scenarios. I couldn’t find any detail about the supported images, formats, URL structures, and HTTP request headers to perform such operations.

For example, using the following URLs for the “logo” field leads to the following behaviors:

After some investigation, I discovered that the API does struggle when the “Transfer-Encoding” header is set to “chunked” (thus when “Content-Length” is missing), but even when I set a “Content-Length” I get errors about “Unsupported image format” (even though I am just using PNGs)

In the attempt to circumvent the issue, I used the /uploadImage endpoint to upload an image file first rather than directly use a URL, but I encountered similar problems.

What are the conditions under which images from URLs are correctly downloaded from the API?

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