
By Denis Raygorodskij | Updated il y a 9 jours | Tools
Health Check



TestRail Package

TestRail helps you manage and track your software testing efforts and organize your QA department. Its intuitive web-based user interface makes it easy to create test cases, manage test runs and coordinate your entire testing process.

How to get credentials:

  1. Register on the www.gurock.com
  2. After registration, create api key in account settings
  3. After creation api key,API can be enabled in the administration area in TestRail under Administration > Site Settings > API
  4. You can get appName from url.For example rapidtest from url - https:\/\/rapidtest.testrail.io

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Use the following API method to request details about test case.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
caseId Number The ID of the test case.


Returns a list of test cases for a test suite or specific section in a test suite.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The ID of the project.
suiteId Number The ID of the test suite (optional if the project is operating in single suite mode).
sectionId Number The ID of the section (optional).
createdAfter DatePicker Only return test cases created after this date.
createdBefore DatePicker Only return test cases created before this date.
createdBy List List of creators (user IDs) to filter by.
milestoneId List List of milestone IDs to filter by (not available if the milestone field is disabled for the project).
priorityId List List of priority IDs to filter by.
typeId List List of case type IDs to filter by.
templateId List List of template IDs to filter by.(requires TestRail 5.2 or later)
updatedAfter DatePicker Only return test cases updated after this date.
updatedBefore DatePicker Only return test cases updated before this date.
updatedBy List List of users who updated test cases to filter by.


Creates a new test case.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
sectionId Number The ID of the section the test case should be added to.
title String The title of the test case (required)
templateId Number The ID of the template (field layout) (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).
typeId Number The ID of the case type.
estimate String The estimate, e.g. 30s or 1m 45s.
priorityId Number The ID of the case priority.
milestoneId Number The ID of the milestone to link to the test case.
refs List List of references/requirements.
customFields Array Custom fields are supported as well and must be submitted with their system name, prefixed with ‘custom_’.
customField example
	"custom_preconds": "These are the preconditions for a test case"
	"custom_steps_separated": [
			"content": "Step 1",
			"expected": "Expected Result 1"
			"content": "Step 2",
			"expected": "Expected Result 2"


Updates an existing test case (partial updates are supported, i.e. you can submit and update specific fields only).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
caseId Number The ID of the test case
title String The title of the test case (required)
templateId Number The ID of the template (field layout) (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).
typeId Number The ID of the case type.
estimate String The estimate, e.g. 30s or 1m 45s.
priorityId Number The ID of the case priority.
milestoneId Number The ID of the milestone to link to the test case.
refs List List of references/requirements.
customFields Array Custom fields are supported as well and must be submitted with their system name, prefixed with ‘custom_’.
customFields example
	"custom_preconds": "These are the preconditions for a test case"
	"custom_steps_separated": [
			"content": "Step 1",
			"expected": "Expected Result 1"
			"content": "Step 2",
			"expected": "Expected Result 2"


Deletes an existing test case.Please note: Deleting a test case cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all test results in active test runs (i.e. test runs that haven’t been closed (archived) yet).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
caseId Number The ID of the test case.


Returns a list of available test case custom fields.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.


Returns a list of available case types.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.


Returns a list of available configurations, grouped by configuration groups (requires TestRail 3.1 or later).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The ID of the project.


Creates a new configuration group (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The ID of the project the configuration group should be added to.
name String The name of the configuration group (required).


Creates a new configuration (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
configGroupId Number The ID of the configuration group the configuration should be added to.
name String The name of the configuration (required).


Updates an existing configuration (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
configId Number The ID of the configuration.
name String The name of the configuration.


Updates an existing configuration group (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
configGroupId Number The ID of the configuration group.
name String The name of the configuration group.


Deletes an existing configuration group and its configurations (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).Please note: Deleting a configuration group cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all configurations in this group. It does not, however, affect closed test plans/runs, or active test plans/runs unless they are updated.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
configGroupId Number The ID of the configuration group.


Deletes an existing configuration (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).Please note: Deleting a configuration cannot be undone. It does not, however, affect closed test plans/runs, or active test plans/runs unless they are updated.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
configId Number The ID of the configuration.


Returns an existing milestone.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
milestoneId Number The ID of the milestone.


Returns the list of milestones for a project.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The ID of the project.
isCompleted Select 1 to return completed milestones only. 0 to return open (active/upcoming) milestones only (available since TestRail 4.0).
isStarted Select 1 to return started milestones only. 0 to return upcoming milestones only (available since TestRail 5.3).


Creates a new milestone.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The ID of the project the milestone should be added to.
name String The name of the milestone (required).
description String The description of the milestone.
dueOn DatePicker The due date of the milestone.
parentId Number The ID of the parent milestone, if any (for sub-milestones) (available since TestRail 5.3).
startOn String The scheduled start date of the milestone.


Updates an existing milestone (partial updates are supported, i.e. you can submit and update specific fields only).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
milestoneId Number The ID of the milestone.
isCompleted Select True if a milestone is considered completed and false otherwise.
isStarted Select True if a milestone is considered started and false otherwise.
parentId String The ID of the parent milestone, if any (for sub-milestones) (available since TestRail 5.3).
startOn String The scheduled start date of the milestone.


Deletes an existing milestone.Please note: Deleting a milestone cannot be undone.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
milestoneId Number The ID of the milestone.


Returns an existing test plan.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
planId Number The ID of the test plan.


Returns a list of test plans for a project.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The ID of the project.
createdAfter DatePicker Only return test plans created after this date.
createdBefore DatePicker Only return test plans created before this date.
createdBy List List of creators (user IDs) to filter by.
isCompleted Select 1 to return completed test plans only. 0 to return active test plans only.
limit Number Limit the result to :limit test plans.
offset Number Use :offset to skip records.
milestoneId List List of milestone IDs to filter by.


Creates a new test plan.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The ID of the project the test plan should be added to.
name String The name of the test plan (required).
description String The description of the test plan.
milestoneId String The ID of the milestone to link to the test plan.
entries JSON An json array of objects describing the test runs of the plan.
entries example
	"entries": [
			"suite_id": 1,
			"name": "Custom run name",
			"assignedto_id": 1 // ID of the assignee
			"suite_id": 1,
			"include_all": false, // Custom selection
			"case_ids": [1,2,3,5]

Starting with TestRail 3.1, add_plan also supports configurations:

"entries": [
			"suite_id": 1,
			"include_all": true,
			"config_ids": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6],
			"runs": [
					"include_all": false,
					"case_ids": [1, 2, 3],
					"assignedto_id": 1,
					"config_ids": [2, 5]
					"include_all": false,
					"case_ids": [1, 2, 3, 5, 8],
					"assignedto_id": 2,
					"config_ids": [2, 6]


This will effectively create several test runs per test plan entry, similar to how you can manage test plans and configurations with TestRail’s user interface. Please refer below for additional details.


Adds one or more new test runs to a test plan.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
planId Number The ID of the project the test plan should be added to.
suitId Number The ID of the test suite for the test run(s).
name String The name of the test run.
description String The description of the test run(s) (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).
assignedtoId Number The ID of the user the test run(s) should be assigned to.
includeAll Select True for including all test cases of the test suite and false for a custom case selection (default: true).
caseIds List An array of case IDs for the custom case selection.
configIds List An array of configuration IDs used for the test runs of the test plan entry (requires TestRail 3.1 or later).
runs JSON An array of configuration IDs used for the test runs of the test plan entry (requires TestRail 3.1 or later).
entries example
	"entries": [
			"suite_id": 1,
			"name": "Custom run name",
			"assignedto_id": 1 // ID of the assignee
			"suite_id": 1,
			"include_all": false, // Custom selection
			"case_ids": [1,2,3,5]

Starting with TestRail 3.1, add_plan also supports configurations:

"entries": [
			"suite_id": 1,
			"include_all": true,
			"config_ids": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6],
			"runs": [
					"include_all": false,
					"case_ids": [1, 2, 3],
					"assignedto_id": 1,
					"config_ids": [2, 5]
					"include_all": false,
					"case_ids": [1, 2, 3, 5, 8],
					"assignedto_id": 2,
					"config_ids": [2, 6]


This will effectively create several test runs per test plan entry, similar to how you can manage test plans and configurations with TestRail’s user interface. Please refer below for additional details.


Updates an existing test plan (partial updates are supported, i.e. you can submit and update specific fields only).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
planId Number The ID of the project the test plan should be added to.
name String The name of the test run.
description String The description of the test run(s) (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).
milestoneId String The ID of the milestone to link to the test plan.
entries JSON An json array of objects describing the test runs of the plan.
entries example
	"entries": [
			"suite_id": 1,
			"name": "Custom run name",
			"assignedto_id": 1 // ID of the assignee
			"suite_id": 1,
			"include_all": false, // Custom selection
			"case_ids": [1,2,3,5]

Starting with TestRail 3.1, add_plan also supports configurations:

"entries": [
			"suite_id": 1,
			"include_all": true,
			"config_ids": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6],
			"runs": [
					"include_all": false,
					"case_ids": [1, 2, 3],
					"assignedto_id": 1,
					"config_ids": [2, 5]
					"include_all": false,
					"case_ids": [1, 2, 3, 5, 8],
					"assignedto_id": 2,
					"config_ids": [2, 6]


This will effectively create several test runs per test plan entry, similar to how you can manage test plans and configurations with TestRail’s user interface. Please refer below for additional details.


Updates one or more existing test runs in a plan (partial updates are supported, i.e. you can submit and update specific fields only).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
planId Number The ID of the project the test plan should be added to.
entryId String The ID of the test plan entry (note: not the test run ID)
name String The name of the test run.
description String The description of the test run(s) (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).
assignedtoId Number The ID of the user the test run(s) should be assigned to.
includeAll Select True for including all test cases of the test suite and false for a custom case selection (default: true)
caseIds List An array of case IDs for the custom case selection.


Closes an existing test plan and archives its test runs & results.Please note: Closing a test plan cannot be undone.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
planId Number The ID of the plan.


Deletes an existing test plan.Please note: Deleting a test plan cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all test runs & results of the test plan.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
planId Number The ID of the plan.


Deletes one or more existing test runs from a plan.Please note: Deleting a test run from a plan cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all related test results.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
planId Number The ID of the plan.
entryId String The ID of the test plan entry (note: not the test run ID).


Returns a list of available priorities.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.


Returns an existing project.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId String The ID of the project.


Returns the list of available projects.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
isCompleted Select 1 to return completed projects only. 0 to return active projects only.


Creates a new project (admin status required).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
name String The name of the project (required).
announcement String The description of the project.
showAnnouncement Select True if the announcement should be displayed on the project’s overview page and false otherwise.
suiteMode Number The suite mode of the project (1 for single suite mode, 2 for single suite + baselines, 3 for multiple suites) (added with TestRail 4.0).


Updates an existing project (admin status required; partial updates are supported, i.e. you can submit and update specific fields only).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The name of the project (required).
isCompleted Select Specifies whether a project is considered completed or not.


Deletes an existing project (admin status required).Please note: Deleting a project cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all test suites & cases, test runs & results and everything else that is part of the project.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId String The ID of the project.


Returns a list of test results for a test.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
testId String The ID of the test.
limit Number Limit the result to .
offset Number Use :offset to skip records.
statusId List List of status IDs to filter by.


Returns a list of test results for a test run and case combination.

The difference to get_results is that this method expects a test run + test case instead of a test. In TestRail, tests are part of a test run and the test cases are part of the related test suite. So, when you create a new test run, TestRail creates a test for each test case found in the test suite of the run. You can therefore think of a test as an “instance” of a test case which can have test results, comments and a test status. Please also see TestRail’s getting started guide for more details about the differences between test cases and tests.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId String The ID of the test run.
caseId String The ID of the test case
limit Number Limit the result to :limit test plans.
offset Number Use :offset to skip records.
statusId List List of status IDs to filter by.


Returns a list of test results for a test run.Requires TestRail 4.0 or later.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId String The ID of the test run.
createdAfter DatePicker Only return test results created after this date.
limit Number Limit the result to :limit test plans.
offset Number Use :offset to skip records.
statusId List List of status IDs to filter by.
createdBefore DatePicker Only return test results created before this date.
createdBy List List of creators (user IDs) to filter by.


Adds one or more new test results, comments or assigns one or more tests. Ideal for test automation to bulk-add multiple test results in one step.This method expects an array of test results (via the ‘results’ field, please see below). Each test result must specify the test ID and can pass in the same fields as add_result, namely all test related system and custom fields.Please note that all referenced tests must belong to the same test run.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId String The ID of the test run the results should be added to.
resultJsonStructure List List of the json results objects.
result example
			"test_id": 101,
			"status_id": 5,
			"comment": "This test failed",
			"defects": "TR-7"

See more here.


Adds one or more new test results, comments or assigns one or more tests (using the case IDs). Ideal for test automation to bulk-add multiple test results in one step.This method expects an array of test results (via the ‘results’ field, please see below). Each test result must specify the test case ID and can pass in the same fields as add_result, namely all test related system and custom fields. The difference to add_results is that this method expects test case IDs instead of test IDs. Please see addResultForCase for details. Please note that all referenced tests must belong to the same test run.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId String The ID of the test run the results should be added to.
resultJsonStructure List List of the json results objects.
structure example
			"case_id": 1,
			"status_id": 5,
			"comment": "This test failed",
			"defects": "TR-7"

See more here.


Adds a new test result, comment or assigns a test. It’s recommended to use add_results instead if you plan to add results for multiple tests.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
testId String The ID of the test.
statusId Number You can get a full list of system and custom statuses via getStatuses.
comment String The comment / description for the test result.
version String The version or build you tested against.
elapsed String The time it took to execute the test, e.g. 30s or 1m 45s
defects List List of defects to link to the test result.
assignedToId String The ID of a user the test should be assigned to.
customFields Array Custom fields are supported as well and must be submitted with their system name, prefixed with ‘custom_’.See more here.


Adds a new test result, comment or assigns a test (for a test run and case combination). It’s recommended to use add_results_for_cases instead if you plan to add results for multiple test cases.The difference to add_result is that this method expects a test run + test case instead of a test. In TestRail, tests are part of a test run and the test cases are part of the related test suite. So, when you create a new test run, TestRail creates a test for each test case found in the test suite of the run. You can therefore think of a test as an “instance” of a test case which can have test results, comments and a test status. Please also see TestRail’s getting started guide for more details about the differences between test cases and tests.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId String The ID of the test run.
caseId String The ID of the case run.
statusId Number You can get a full list of system and custom statuses via getStatuses.
comment String The comment / description for the test result.
version String The version or build you tested against.
elapsed String The time it took to execute the test, e.g. 30s or 1m 45s
defects List List of defects to link to the test result.
assignedToId String The ID of a user the test should be assigned to.
customFields Array Custom fields are supported as well and must be submitted with their system name, prefixed with ‘custom_’.See more here.


Returns a list of available test result custom fields.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.


Returns an existing test run. Please see getTests for the list of included tests in this run.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId String The ID of the test run.


Returns a list of test runs for a project. Only returns those test runs that are not part of a test plan (please see get_plans/get_plan for this).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The ID of the project.
createdAfter DatePicker Only return test runs created after this date.
createdBefore DatePicker Only return test runs created before this date.
createdBy List List of creators (user IDs) to filter by.
milestoneId List List of milestone IDs to filter by (not available if the milestone field is disabled for the project).
isCompleted Boolean 1 to return completed test runs only. 0 to return active test runs only.
limit Number Limit the result to.
offset Number Use :offset to skip records.
suiteId String The ID of the test suite.


Creates a new test run.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId Number The ID of the project.
suiteId Number The ID of the test suite for the test run (optional if the project is operating in single suite mode, required otherwise).
name String The name of the test run.
description String The description of the test run.
milestoneId String The ID of the milestone to link to the test run.
assignedToId Number The ID of the user the test run should be assigned to.
includeAll Select True for including all test cases of the test suite and false for a custom case selection (default: true).
caseIds List An array of case IDs for the custom case selection.


Updates an existing test run (partial updates are supported, i.e. you can submit and update specific fields only).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId Number The ID of the test run.
name String The name of the test run.
description String The description of the test run.
milestoneId String The ID of the milestone to link to the test run.
includeAll Select True for including all test cases of the test suite and false for a custom case selection (default: true).
caseIds List An array of case IDs for the custom case selection.


Closes an existing test run and archives its tests & results.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId String The ID of the test run.


Deletes an existing test run.Please note: Deleting a test run cannot be undone and also permanently deletes all tests & results of the test run.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId String The ID of the test run.


Returns an existing section.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
sectionId String The ID of the section.


Returns a list of sections for a project and test suite.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId String The ID of the project.
suiteId String The ID of the test suite (optional if the project is operating in single suite mode).


Creates a new section.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId String The ID of the project.
description String The description of the section (added with TestRail 4.0).
suiteId Number The ID of the test suite (ignored if the project is operating in single suite mode, required otherwise).
parentId Number The ID of the parent section (to build section hierarchies).
name String The name of the section (required).


Updates an existing section (partial updates are supported, i.e. you can submit and update specific fields only).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
sectionId String The ID of the section.
description String The description of the section (added with TestRail 4.0).
name String The name of the section.


Deletes an existing section.Please note: Deleting a section cannot be undone and also deletes all related test cases as well as active tests & results, i.e. tests & results that weren’t closed (archived) yet.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
sectionId String The ID of the section.


Returns a list of available test statuses.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.


Returns an existing test suite.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
suiteId String The ID of the test suite.


Returns a list of test suites for a project.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId String The ID of the project.


Creates a new test suite.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId String The ID of the project the test suite should be added to.
description String The description of the test suite.
name String The name of the test suite.


Updates an existing test suite (partial updates are supported, i.e. you can submit and update specific fields only).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
suiteId String The ID of the test suite.
description String The description of the test suite.
name String The name of the test suite.


Deletes an existing test suite.Please note: Deleting a test suite cannot be undone and also deletes all active test runs & results, i.e. test runs & results that weren’t closed (archived) yet.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
suiteId String The ID of the test suite.


Returns a list of available templates (requires TestRail 5.2 or later).

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
projectId String The ID of the project.


Returns an existing test.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
testId String The ID of the test.


Returns a list of tests for a test run.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
runId String The ID of the test run.
statusIds List List of status IDs to filter by.


Returns an existing user.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
userId String The ID of the user.


Returns an existing user by his/her email address.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
email String The email address to get the user for.


Returns a list of users.

Field Type Description
appName credentials Your app name. Example - rapidtest
username credentials Your username.
apiKey credentials Your API Key.Also you can use account password.
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API Creator:
Rapid account: Denis Raygorodskij
Denis Raygorodskij
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