
By ribbet | Updated 17 days ago | Entertainment
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Need more info to understand the API

Rapid account: Ismaelc
10 years ago

Hi, this looks like a cool API. I tried it (with the example parameters you provided in the Mashape test console). It appears that itโ€™s supposed to return the HTML code of something? Also, how is the photo edited by using this endpoint?

Please add a README section here so I can help promote it to developers. Thanks - chris@mashape.com

Rapid account: Ribbet
ribbet Commented 10 years ago

Hi ismaelc, It may be that either we havenโ€™t set this up properly, or that the Ribbet API may not be entirely suitable for Mashape. Let me know what you think.

Basically the way that the Ribbet API would normally be used would be by placing a link on a website directly to Ribbet. For example:


Following this link takes the user into the editor (with the _import parameterโ€™s file opened for editing). Saving then exports back to the _export url.

Rapid account: Ribbet
ribbet Commented 10 years ago

Actually that link has been slightly corrupted in the comment above. Try clicking the example integration image towards the end of this page:


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