Stock News

By Ricardo De Gregorio | Updated 7 days ago | Finance
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All endpoints are prefixed with:
Parameter values must be comma-delimited when requesting multiple tickers.
For example: ?tickers=AMZN,fb is correct.
Casing does not matter when passing values to a parameter.
For example: ?tickers=fb and ?tickers=FB will work.
Get ticker news
/api/v1?tickers=TSLA&items=5&fallback=true&token=your API Key
Obtain news about a specific company. In this example TSLA is the symbol for Tesla. This parameter is required.

Seperate the symbols by a comma to retrieve news from multiple companies. Please note that this parameter is only available with paid plans.

Number of news items returned. Items value must be bewteen 1 and 50. This parameter is required.

Fallback returns general stock news in the case that a specific company doesn’t have any news associated with it. This improves the User Experience by avoiding empty news. This parameter is optional.

&token=your API_Key
This is your 40 character token. This parameter is required.

“title”:“Why SpaceX and Blue Origin are competing with China”,
“text”:“Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin have long dominated…”,
Get category news
This endpoint is available for paid plans only.


General news about the market - not company specific. Section parameter is required.

The latest posted news for all tickers. This parameter shows all news that is posted under specific companies.

&token=your API KEY
This is your 40 character token. This parameter is required.

“title”:“Uber pushes back against New York City”,
“text”:“Uber Technologies Inc. revenue growth slowed and losses persisted in the fou…r”,
“source_name”:“Bloomberg Technology”,

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Ricardo De Gregorio
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