YouTube Video Information Fetcher API

От Lauryn Prosacco | Обновлено לפני חודשיים | Video, Images

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Fetch YouTube Video Information

POST /youtube/

This endpoint offers a comprehensive overview of metadata for a YouTube video. By supplying the YouTube video URL, users can gain access to data such as the video’s title, uploader, description, duration, available formats, thumbnails, view count, and much more.

Potential Use Cases:

  1. Video Downloaders: Extract direct download links for different resolutions and formats.
  2. Content Aggregation: Aggregate metadata for videos across multiple channels or based on certain search criteria.
  3. Analytics Tools: Gather view counts, likes, and dislikes for competitor analysis or tracking video performance.
  4. Recommendation Systems: Use tags, description, and other metadata to create or enhance video recommendation algorithms.
  5. Media Players: Enhance the viewing experience by providing rich video metadata, including thumbnails, for user interfaces.
  6. Educational Platforms: Extract video descriptions and other details to supplement course materials or lectures.

Request Payload:

  • url (required): The direct link to the YouTube video, typically in the format

Sample Request:

    "url": ""

Response Format:
Returns a JSON object containing detailed metadata:

  • title: The title of the video.
  • uploader: The channel or user that uploaded the video.
  • description: A summary of the video’s content.
  • duration: The duration of the video, given in seconds.
  • formats: An array detailing available formats, encompassing resolution, codec, etc.
  • thumbnail: A URL to the video’s thumbnail.
  • view_count: The number of times the video has been viewed.
  • like_count: The number of likes the video has garnered.
  • dislike_count: The count of dislikes for the video.
  • comments: A selection or total count of user comments.
  • tags: An array of tags linked to the video.

Sample Response:

    "title": "Example Video Title",
    "uploader": "Example Channel",
    "description": "This is a sample description.",
    "duration": 605,
    "formats": [...],
    "thumbnail": "",
    "view_count": 123456,
    "like_count": 7890,
    "dislike_count": 123,
    "comments": [...],
    "tags": ["sample", "video", "example"]

Error Codes:

  • 404 Not Found: Implies the given URL doesn’t match a valid YouTube video or the video was not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: Signifies an unexpected error during request processing.
Подписчики: 1
Создатель API:
Rapid account: Lauryn Prosacco
Lauryn Prosacco
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