Instagram Premium API 2023

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API not working. Returning 406 not acceptable.

Rapid account: Raghav D Ts KUSXCS
il y a 6 mois

The api is not working. I have tried multiple endpoints since yesterday and all are returning the same client error: 406 not acceptable.
Is it just me or is anyone else also facing the same issue ?

Rapid account: Maxcukerbergs 007
maxcukerbergs007 Commented il y a 5 mois

Hey there!
Sorry for a long response, now it works again

Rapid account: Takamatsu 8 Su Q 0 T P Mb
takamatsu-8SuQ0tPMb Commented il y a 6 mois

same problems

Rapid account: Matttakumi
matttakumi Commented il y a 6 mois

We are facing the same issues and have been for a couple of days. Would be great to get a resolution, or at least some comment from the owner.

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