NHL Stats and Salary

От Sauro1997 | Обновлено 2ヶ月前 | Sports
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How to use (very simple)

1-Copy and past the code given in the Endpoint section of the NHL API

2-In the param section keep all parameter but you can give them empty value

3-Get the NHL API data (exemple in jsonviewer below)

Id : 91171
PlayerName : "Crosby Sidney"
Position : "C"
Age : "35"
CapHit : "$8,700,000"
Expiration : "UFA 2025"
Team : "penguins"
GamePlayed : "33"
Goal : 19
Assist : 24
Point : 43
TimeOnIce : "19:54"
GoalAgainstAvv : null
SavePoursentage : null
WinLosse : null
League : "NHL"
IsTwoWay : 0
Injury : null