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Not all today's games are returned

Rapid account: Torg
לפני שנתיים
CURLOPT_URL => "https://api-basketball.p.rapidapi.com/games?season=2021-2022&league=116&date=2022-03-10",

Doesnt return all the games on today’s NCAA schedule. For example: Duke/Syracuse at 17:00UTC isn’t returned. But Indiana/Michigan at 16:30UTC and Florida/Texas A&M at 17:00UTC are returned.

From what I calculated, about half of the games are returned. Not getting all the games make this api useless.

Rapid account: Torg
torg Commented לפני שנתיים

CURLOPT_URL => “https://api-basketball.p.rapidapi.com/games?timezone=America%2FChicago&season=2021-2022&league=116&date=2022-03-12”,

This problem is occuring again today. There should be 25 games returned. There are 20 games returned. Not related to the start time of the game.
For example: SE Louisiana at 8:30PM CST is returned. Arizona at 8:00pm CST is not returned.

Missing (home) teams: Boise St, Montana St., Arizona, New Mexico St., Long Beach St.

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented לפני שנתיים


It was a cache issue. You should have all the games available now. 56 results for today and Indiana/Michigan is available.

get: "games"
parameters: {
league: "116"
season: "2021-2022"
date: “2022-03-10”
errors: [
results: 56
response: [
id: 156304
date: "2022-03-10T16:30:00+00:00"
time: "16:30"
timestamp: 1646929800
timezone: "UTC"
stage: null
week: null
status: {
long: "Not Started"
short: "NS"
timer: null
league: {
id: 116
name: "NCAA"
type: "League"
season: "2021-2022"
logo: “https://media.api-sports.io/basketball/leagues/116.png
country: {
id: 5
name: "USA"
code: "US"
flag: “https://media.api-sports.io/flags/us.svg
teams: {
home: {
id: 1994
name: "Michigan"
logo: “https://media.api-sports.io/basketball/teams/1994.png
away: {
id: 189
name: "Indiana"
logo: “https://media.api-sports.io/basketball/teams/189.png

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