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Not all NCAA games returned today (again)

Rapid account: Torg
2 years ago

CURLOPT_URL => “https://api-basketball.p.rapidapi.com/games?timezone=America%2FChicago&season=2021-2022&league=116&date=2022-03-12”,

This problem is occuring again today. There should be 25 games returned. There are 20 games returned. Not related to the start time of the game.
For example: SE Louisiana at 8:30PM CST is returned. Arizona at 8:00pm CST is not returned.

Missing (home) teams: Boise St, Montana St., Arizona, New Mexico St., Long Beach St.

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented 2 years ago


No change, but it is highly possible that the games were added after you checked. The API adds the games automatically once the data is available throughout the day.


Rapid account: Torg
torg Commented 2 years ago

I am now seeing 25 games also. Did you make a change/update in able to see these additional games? Earlier this morning there were only the 20 games.

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented 2 years ago


I just check and these games are available for today :

get: "games"
parameters: {
league: "116"
season: "2021-2022"
date: "2022-03-12"
timezone: “America/Chicago”
errors: [
results: 25

id: 156593
date: "2022-03-12T20:00:00-06:00"
time: "20:00"
timestamp: 1647136800
timezone: "America/Chicago"
stage: null
week: null
status: {
long: "Not Started"
short: "NS"
timer: null
league: {
id: 116
name: "NCAA"
type: "League"
season: "2021-2022"
logo: “https://media.api-sports.io/basketball/leagues/116.png
country: {
id: 5
name: "USA"
code: "US"
flag: “https://media.api-sports.io/flags/us.svg
teams: {
home: {
id: 1815
name: "Arizona"
logo: “https://media.api-sports.io/basketball/teams/1815.png
away: {
id: 2166
name: "UCLA"
logo: “https://media.api-sports.io/basketball/teams/2166.png
scores: {
home: {
quarter_1: null
quarter_2: null
quarter_3: null
quarter_4: null
over_time: null
total: null
away: {
quarter_1: null
quarter_2: null
quarter_3: null
quarter_4: null
over_time: null
total: null

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