Full Webpage Screenshot

От Pinto Studio | Обновлено 2 месяца назад | Tools
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**Key Features:
Full-page screenshots: Capture the entire content of a webpage in one single image, saving you the time and effort of taking and combining multiple screenshots.

Desktop and mobile views: The API provides the ability to emulate different devices, allowing you to capture screenshots as they appear on both desktop browsers and mobile devices.

Fast and reliable: Our cloud-based browser automation stack guarantees fast and dependable results.

PNG format: Screenshots are delivered in high-quality PNG format for optimal clarity.

How to use:

The API exposes a single endpoint, /screenshot, which accepts the following parameters:

url (required): The URL of the webpage you want to capture.
device (optional): The type of device view you want to emulate. Possible values are ‘desktop’ and ‘mobile’. Defaults to ‘desktop’ if not specified.
For example, to capture a screenshot of a webpage, make a GET request to:

This will return a PNG image of the entire webpage as it would appear on a desktop browser.

Embrace simplicity and efficiency with the Webpage Screenshot API, your solution to full-page screenshot captures. Try it today!

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Rapid account: Pinto Studio
Pinto Studio
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