Password Generator

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Password Generator API Documentation


The Password Generator API is a powerful tool designed to create secure and customized passwords that meet specific security standards. It enables precise control over password characteristics, ensuring compatibility with varied security requirements across different platforms and applications.


  • Customizable Length: Choose any password length from 1 to 255 characters.
  • Flexible Character Selection: Opt to include lowercase, uppercase, numeric, and special characters.
  • High Security: Generate passwords that comply with rigorous security protocols.


  1. length: The desired number of characters in the password, ranging from 1 to 255. This allows for flexibility in balancing password strength and usability.

    • Type: Integer
    • Required: Yes
  2. use_lower: Specifies whether to include lowercase letters (a-z). Including lowercase letters increases complexity and security.

    • Type: Boolean
    • Required: Yes
  1. use_upper: Specifies whether to include uppercase letters (A-Z). Uppercase letters are essential for meeting most password policy requirements.
    • Type: Boolean
    • Required: Yes
  1. use_digits: Specifies whether to include digits (0-9). Digits are crucial for creating numerically complex passwords.
    • Type: Boolean
    • Required: Yes
  1. use_symbols: Specifies whether to include special characters (!@#$%^&*). Special characters significantly enhance password strength against brute-force attacks.
    • Type: Boolean
    • Required: Yes

Example Usage

To generate a password using the API, a user can make an HTTP GET request with specific parameters. Below is an example of how to implement this in Python:

import requests

url = ""

params = {
    "length": "12",
    "use_lower": "true",
    "use_upper": "false",
    "use_digits": "true",
    "use_symbols": "true"

headers = {
    "X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)



This API is an essential tool for developers looking to bolster system security through the generation of highly secure passwords. With its customizable options, it adapts to various security requirements, providing developers with the ability to generate passwords that are both secure and suitable for user experience. It is particularly useful in environments where security is paramount, such as financial services, healthcare, and other sectors dealing with sensitive data.

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