Skill Gap Analyzer

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Skill Gap Analyzer API

Skill Gap Analyzer API matches a JD with a resume to find out the gap between the skills. Once the documents are matched, the API provides the matching and missing skills in the resume.

  • Skill Gap Analyzer API searches all the skills in the JD with the skills present in the resume.

  • The matched skills are returned as “skillMatch” and the missing skills are returned as “missingSkills” in the API output.

  • JD parsed output contains JobProfileRelatedskills.

  • The Skill Gap Analyzer API also matches JobProfileRelatedskills in the resume and returns matched and missing JobProfileRelatedskills.

As a result, you can identify the skill gap between resumes and JD. You can also quickly shortlist resumes based on the highest skillMatch and save time on screening resumes.

Skill Gap Analyzer API Endpoints, Method and Parameter

The endpoints indicate how you access the resource, while the method indicates the allowed interactions (such as GET, POST, or DELETE) with the resource.

API Endpoint

The Skill Gap Analyzer API endpoint returns the parsed data in the JSON format. The endpoint is mentioned below:

API Method

The Skill Gap Analyzer API uses only the POST method.

Request Headers

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type string Indicates the input type of the incoming request body. The only supported value is application/json.

API Request Parameters

The Skill Gap Analyzer API requires the following parameters in the JSON request format:

Name Type Description Remarks
resumeContent String Required Provide resume content in the base64 format
filename String Required Name of the resume file with the extension
jdContent String Required Provide JD content in the base64 format
jdfileName String Required Name of the JD file with the extension

API Response Parameters

The Skill Gap Analyzer API returns the following parameters in the JSON response format:

Name Type Remarks
ResumeJSON String This is the resume parsed output in the JSON format
JDJSON String This is the JD parsed output in the JSON format
skillMatch String This parameter contains all the JD skills that are matched with the skills in the resume.
matchingSkills String This parameter contains all the JD skills that are matched with the skills in the resume.
score String This is the weightage of the skills
maxScore String This is the maximum weightage of the skills
entity String This is the skill entity such as Skill Have Experience, Skill WithOut Experience, Skill Aliases, etc.
value String This is the skill name such as java, javascript, eclipse, etc.
type String This is the type of the skill, such as Soft, Operational, Behavioural skills, etc.
alias String This field contains the Alias of the skills
FormattedName String This field contains the formatted name for the skill
missingSkills String This parameter contains all the JD skills that are missing in the resume.

Skill Gap Analyzer Error Code :

Error Code Error Message
2061 invalid value for resumeContent. resumeContent must be string type.
2062 invalid value for jdContent. jdContent must be string type.
2065 invalid value for resumeFileName. resumeFileName must be string value.
2066 invalid value for jdFileName. jdFileName must be string value.
Подписчики: 0
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Rapid account: Enrichdata Io
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