Instagram Scraper ( ai )

От SaeidB | Обновлено 3시간 전 | Social

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A lot of readTimeout() error.

Rapid account: Info Nug R Ryeny

Dear Team,

I would like to highlight the fact that, recently the endpoints are frequently failing due to ReadTimeout(’’) error. We have tried, increasing timeout in our requests, giving intentional blocking delays before subsequent requests but having no luck.

Any solution will be appreciated.


Rapid account: Imwhodifferent
imwhodifferent Commented 2달 전

hello ,

please copy the “code snippets” for your client from the main page of the api to get the best result , and its good you have added the timeout ,
also we have checked your requests and everything seems fine , your average latency for all of your requests is 3.5 s , for user info is 1 s , etc
if you face any further latency for any specific endpoints , please let us know and we will try to check it ,


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