Specrom News API

От jaypat87 | Обновлено 5 days ago | News, Media

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Specrom News API

Search & analyze the latest news articles from 100,000+ domains worldwide using our News API.

A single easy to use API that can lets you search over 100,000 news sources by keyword, location (city, state, country), geolocation (latitude, longitude) and time range.

We provide fulltext and raw web source (html) of the news story itself in addition to description, title image urls etc.

All our plans include advanced text analytics such as overall sentiments, aspect based sentiments analysis, text summarization, email address extraction, and topic classification.

Our News API is backed by a 60 node distributed web crawler that fetches over 10 TB of data a week


  • Documentation Overview (Link): The main page for all API documentation, providing an overview of the available features and endpoints.

News API Reference: This section includes endpoints for searching and retrieving news articles based on various criteria such as keywords, locations, and coordinates. (More Info)

Text Analytics API Reference: Provides endpoints for various text analytics functions, enhancing the ability to analyze and interpret text data. (Link)

The new generation of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT3, GPT4, and ChatGPT/GPT 3.5 have revolutionalized the way we analyze text data.

Out base level text classification endpoint includes few dozen topic labels; however if you are interested a more granular text classifier that contains IAB/IPTC + custom taxonomy) that contains over 1900 topics, please email us at info@specrom.com

Our comprehensive text analytics endpoints uses the latest GPT-J and/or GPT3.5/GPT4 models on the back end to analyze all aspects of the news articles.

Technology Analysis API Reference: Analyze the technology stack of websites. (Link)

Technology researchers and people who are interested in technology trends on a larger scale are target users for these API endpoints.

Are you looking to answer questions such as these?

Which is the most common web technologies powering a news website in Atlanta, GA area?


Which technologies are being used by niche news blogs that focus on cryptocurrency or bitcoin?


What proportion of technology news outlets themselves are running vulnerable or outdated versions of wordpress to power their own websites?"

You build your own technology database like buildwith.com by roughly using the workflow below:

Social Media & Email Addresses API Reference: Extract social media handles and email addresses from web pages. (Link)

These group of endpoints are of particular interest to users working in PR & outreach, content marketing tec.

You build your own journalist database by roughly using the workflow below:

For more detailed information, visit the Specrom News API Documentation.