
This API give you a detailed analysis of the news article in a JSON format. It extracts title, text, authors, keywords, tags, etc and provides a JSON output.

If you want to build a financial prediction model, you need valuable online articles and blog pages without all the unessential parts like advertisements, banners, etc.

Besides the text and keywords are presented in a JSON format so that you can easily process it, and use it to build your machine learning model.

It can also be used to build your own financial news feeds based on various different financial topics or assets.

Disclaimer: This API does not work for articles behind a paywall or protected articles.


The API is built to be as self-documenting as possible, but if you find yourself overwhelmed, these 4 sections below might be able to help you.

Getting Started

The current version of the API resides at https://financial-news-text-extraction.p.rapidapi.com.


Version 1 - Initial Deployment (20 Sep 2021)



What it does
Returns an array of News Article Data based on query(url) parameter. This is used for any languages.
For better results for Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and Indonesian, please use their respective endpoints.


What it does
Returns an array of News Article Data based on query(url) parameter. The URL specified will be a chinese financial news article from the internet


What it does
Returns an array of News Article Data based on query(url) parameter. The URL specified will be a japanese financial news article from the internet


What it does
Returns an array of News Article Data based on query(url) parameter. The URL specified will be a vietnamese financial news article from the internet


What it does
Returns an array of News Article Data based on query(url) parameter. The URL specified will be an indonesian financial news article from the internet

Field reference for Financial News TEXT Extraction API data


Description: Source URL of the Financial news article.
Data Type : String


Description: Date of article that was published.
Data Type : String


Description: Title of the news article.
Data Type: String


Description: News article text
Data Type: String


Description: Authors of this news article.
Data Type: List


Description: Keywords from the news article.
Data Type: List


Description: Tags that are related to the news article.
Data Type: List


Description: Summary of the text and title.
Data Type: String


Description: Language of the meta keywords.
Data Type: String


Description: Language that title is written on.
Data Type: String

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I use the text and data extracted from this API?

A: This API has been used internally to fetch text, keywords and tags from Financial News web site. The text, keywords and tags are being to build a financial sentiment analysis model. The model is further used to fine-tune and enhance the Financial Market Product prediction model. If you would like to know more about the projects, do feel free to email me at oneclicksimplify@gmail.com.

Q: Can the API be used to fetch data from protected website?

A: Unfortunately, this API may not work for articles behind a paywall or protected articles.

Q: If there is a requirement to do requests beyond 25,000 per month, is there a special plan for us?

A: If you have special requirements, you may email me at oneclicksimplify@gmail.com, we can discuss further.

Q: Will there be enhancement to the API in future?

A: There is a sentiment analysis API in the pipeline, which can be used together with this API.


To receive support or ask questions about the API, post an issue in the Discussion.

Alternate Contact

If you are unable to post an issue in Discussion, email me at oneclicksimplify@gmail.com.

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Rapid account: Lawrence Tan
Lawrence Tan
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