Rapid Linkedin Jobs API

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API can only query jobs within 1000

Rapid account: Cyzzltd
5 months ago


I’ve been testing your API but encountered a limitation: it only retrieves a maximum of 1000 job listings. For instance, LinkedIn shows 1900 jobs in London from the past week, but your API only returns the first 1000. When I set the ‘start’ parameter above 1000, the API fails, displaying a message indicating an incorrect search query and suggesting contacting the developer.

The API successfully returns results for any ‘start’ value below 1000. Notably, if the ‘start’ value is below 975, it consistently returns 25 results. However, for any ‘start’ value between 975 and 1000, it returns a number of results equal to 1000 minus the ‘start’ value.

It seems that the API is currently limited to the first 1000 results, and attempting to access listings beyond this range results in failure. Addressing this issue would significantly enhance the API’s utility and effectiveness. Thank you for considering this feedback.

Best regards.

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented 5 months ago

Hello. I have just tested and didnt get any error. Could you text us in telegram (https://t.me/rockapis) to discuss on the issue?

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