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Google Translate , Translation , Youtube Videos , Google Search , Maps , Image Search, Microsoft Translate ,SERP API, News ,Bing, Translation, AI Trending Suggestions ,

Email for any inquiry, coustom plans , new API request , complain -

Kindly go through the below description once, before using API (Language code and Region Codes are below)

This is your all-in-one solution for seamless translation and comprehensive searches. Unlock the power of translation across languages, harness the potential of video, web, and image searches within a single interface. The API empowers developers to effortlessly integrate versatile search functionalities into their applications, offering users an enriched and connected search experience. With a unified approach to language translation and diverse media exploration, The API opens doors to new possibilities in information discovery and communication. Elevate your applications with a dynamic, integrated search solution that transcends boundaries and enhances user engagement.

Our Other API

Note: To set to default or None as described in below documentation return empty string for that parameter

Eg – for web search , you want to set timelimit to Default then


           timelimit: “”,

Web search

Text :  Query to search on web

region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".

safesearch: on, moderate, off. Defaults to "moderate".

timelimit: d, w, m, y. Defaults to None.

Image Seach

    Text : query

    region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".

    safesearch: on, moderate, off. Defaults to "moderate".
    timelimit: Day, Week, Month, Year. Defaults to None.
    size: Small, Medium, Large, Wallpaper. Defaults to None.
    color: color, Monochrome, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,
                     Purple, Pink, Brown, Black, Gray, Teal, White. Defaults to None.
    type_image: photo, clipart, gif, transparent, line.
        Defaults to None.
    layout: Square, Tall, Wide. Defaults to None.

Video Search

    text: query.
    region: wt-wt, us-en, uk-en, ru-ru, etc. Defaults to "wt-wt".
    safesearch: on, moderate, off. Defaults to "moderate".
    timelimit: d, w, m. Defaults to None.
    resolution: high, standard. Defaults to None.
    duration: short, medium, long. Defaults to None.


       text: keywords for query
        place: if set, the other parameters are not used. Defaults to None.
        street: house number/street. Defaults to None.
        city: city of search. Defaults to None.
        county: county of search. Defaults to None.
        state: state of search. Defaults to None.
        country: country of search. Defaults to None.
        postalcode: postalcode of search. Defaults to None.
        latitude: geographic coordinate (north–south position). Defaults to None.
        longitude: geographic coordinate (east–west position); if latitude and
            longitude are set, the other parameters are not used. Defaults to None.
        radius: expand the search square by the distance in kilometers. Defaults to 0.


     text: string or a list of strings to translate
    from_lang: translate from (defaults automatically). Defaults to None.(auto detects)
    to: what language to translate. 
     **See Below for language codes**

text: keywords for query.


- af: Afrikaans
- am: Amharic
- ar: Arabic
- as: Assamese
- az: Azerbaijani
- bg: Bulgarian
- bn: Bangla
- bs: Bosnian
- ca: Catalan
- cs: Czech
- cy: Welsh
- da: Danish
- de: German
- el: Greek
- en: English
- es: Spanish
- et: Estonian
- fa: Persian
- fi: Finnish
- fil: Filipino
- fj: Fijian
- fr: French
- fr-CA: French (Canada)
- ga: Irish
- gu: Gujarati
- he: Hebrew
- hi: Hindi
- hr: Croatian
- ht: Haitian Creole
- hu: Hungarian
- hy: Armenian
- id: Indonesian
- is: Icelandic
- it: Italian
- iu: Inuktitut
- ja: Japanese
- kk: Kazakh
- km: Khmer
- kmr: Kurdish (Northern)
- kn: Kannada
- ko: Korean
- ku: Kurdish (Central)
- lo: Lao
- lt: Lithuanian
- lv: Latvian
- mg: Malagasy
- mi: Maori
- ml: Malayalam
- mr: Marathi
- ms: Malay
- mt: Maltese
- mww: Hmong Daw
- my: Myanmar (Burmese)
- nb: Norwegian
- ne: Nepali
- nl: Dutch
- or: Odia
- otq: Querétaro Otomi
- pa: Punjabi
- pl: Polish
- prs: Dari
- ps: Pashto
- pt: Portuguese (Brazil)
- pt-PT: Portuguese (Portugal)
- ro: Romanian
- ru: Russian
- sk: Slovak
- sl: Slovenian
- sm: Samoan
- sq: Albanian
- sr-Cyrl: Serbian (Cyrillic)
- sr-Latn: Serbian (Latin)
- sv: Swedish
- sw: Swahili
- ta: Tamil
- te: Telugu
- th: Thai
- ti: Tigrinya
- tlh-Latn: Klingon
- to: Tongan
- tr: Turkish
- ty: Tahitian
- uk: Ukrainian
- ur: Urdu
- vi: Vietnamese
- yua: Yucatec Maya
- yue: Cantonese (Traditional)
- zh-Hans: Chinese Simplified
- zh-Hant: Chinese Traditional


xa-ar for Arabia
xa-en for Arabia (en)
ar-es for Argentina
au-en for Australia
at-de for Austria
be-fr for Belgium (fr)
be-nl for Belgium (nl)
br-pt for Brazil
bg-bg for Bulgaria
ca-en for Canada
ca-fr for Canada (fr)
ct-ca for Catalan
cl-es for Chile
cn-zh for China
co-es for Colombia
hr-hr for Croatia
cz-cs for Czech Republic
dk-da for Denmark
ee-et for Estonia
fi-fi for Finland
fr-fr for France
de-de for Germany
gr-el for Greece
hk-tzh for Hong Kong
hu-hu for Hungary
in-en for India
id-id for Indonesia
id-en for Indonesia (en)
ie-en for Ireland
il-he for Israel
it-it for Italy
jp-jp for Japan
kr-kr for Korea
lv-lv for Latvia
lt-lt for Lithuania
xl-es for Latin America
my-ms for Malaysia
my-en for Malaysia (en)
mx-es for Mexico
nl-nl for Netherlands
nz-en for New Zealand
no-no for Norway
pe-es for Peru
ph-en for Philippines
ph-tl for Philippines (tl)
pl-pl for Poland
pt-pt for Portugal
ro-ro for Romania
ru-ru for Russia
sg-en for Singapore
sk-sk for Slovak Republic
sl-sl for Slovenia
za-en for South Africa
es-es for Spain
se-sv for Sweden
ch-de for Switzerland (de)
ch-fr for Switzerland (fr)
ch-it for Switzerland (it)
tw-tzh for Taiwan
th-th for Thailand
tr-tr for Turkey
ua-uk for Ukraine
uk-en for United Kingdom
us-en for United States
ue-es for United States (es)
ve-es for Venezuela
vn-vi for Vietnam
wt-wt for No region

Getting Started

To begin using Real-Time Web Search, follow these steps and make your first API call:

  • Subscribe to a plan: Visit our Pricing page and subscribe to one of the plans. If you are just starting, you can subscribe to the free BASIC plan of the API - free plan with 50-100 (50 to 100) requests per month (hard-limited and no credit card required).

  • Make your first API call: Visit the RapidAPI Playground - Select and endpoint and make an test API call on sample query paramters provided

  • Documentation and Resources: Refer to the detailed endpoint, parameter descriptions, and examples provided in the Endpoints tab under each endpoint. Code snippets are available for all popular programming languages and environments, including - Javascript, Python, Java, Shell, and many others, to help you easily integrate the API into your project or workflow.

You should be good to go now!


To access the API, you will need to authenticate your requests by including an API key in the request header. Please refer to the authentication section in the API documentation for instructions on how to generate and include the API key in your requests.

Rate Limiting


Each subscription plan of the API defines the maximum number of requests permitted per month or the quota, in addition to a rate limit expressed in RPS (Requests Per Second).

  • Please note that all free plans of the API (e.g. BASIC) are rate limited to 1000 requests per hour. This is a RapidAPI requirement for any free plan.

Rate Limits Headers

All API responses include rate limit information in the following headers:

  • x-ratelimit-requests-limit: number of requests the plan you are currently subscribed to allows you to make before incurring overages.
  • x-ratelimit-requests-remaining: The number of requests remaining (from your plan) before you reach the limit of requests your application is allowed to make. When this reaches zero, you will begin experiencing overage charges. This will reset each day or each month, depending on how the API pricing plan is configured. You can view these limits and quotas on the pricing page of the API in the API Hub.
  • x-ratelimit-requests-reset: Indicates the number of seconds until the quota resets. This number of seconds would at most be as long as either a day or a month, depending on how the plan was configured.

Handling Limits

When hitting the rate limits of the API, the RapidAPI gateway will return a 429 Too Many Requests error. When that happens, wait until your rate limit resets, or consider upgrading your subscription plan for a higher limit. We can support almost any monthly quota and rate limit, contact us for more information.

Here’s an example of a 429 Too Many Requests error:

    "message":"Too many requests"

Code Examples

Code examples are available for all popular programming languages and environments (Javascript, Python, Java, Shell, etc) on the Endpoints tab, on the right panel, under “Code Snippets”.

Common Use Cases

The LLAMA, Mixtral, Cohere API can be used for a variety of use cases, including:

Market Research and Competitive Analysis
Generative AI / LLMs and Machine Learning
Applications and Services
Research and Data Analysis

ChatBot services

Error Handling

The API is designed to be robust and reliable . However, in the event of errors during API interaction, we use HTTP status codes to indicate the nature of the problem. Below, you’ll find detailed explanations of common error codes you may encounter, along with potential causes and suggested remediation steps.

If you need any assistant contact at

Common HTTP Status Codes

  • 400 Bad Request: This status is returned when your request is malformed or missing some required parameters. The response body might also include a “message” field, explaining the specific error. Ensure that all required fields are included and properly formatted before retrying your request.

  • 403 Forbidden: This error indicates that you are not subscribed to the API or that your API key is invalid. If you believe this is in error, please contact RapidAPI support -

  • 404 Not Found: This status is returned if the requested resource could not be found. This can occur with incorrect URL endpoints. Double-check the URL and try again.

  • 429 Too Many Requests: This error means you have hit the rate limit for your subscription plan. Wait until your rate limit resets, or consider upgrading your subscription plan for a higher limit. If you believe this is in error, please contact us.

  • 5XX Server Error (500, 502, and 503): This indicates a problem with our servers processing your request or an internal server timeout. This is a rare occurrence and should be temporary. If this error persists, please contact our technical support for assistance at

Handling Errors Programmatically

Implement error handling in your application to manage these responses gracefully. Here are some tips:

  • Retry Logic: For 5XX (500, 502, 503) and 429, implement a retry mechanism that waits for a few seconds before retrying the request.

  • Validation: Prior to sending requests, validate parameters to catch common errors like 400 Bad Request.

  • Logging: Log error responses for further analysis to understand patterns or recurring issues that might require changes in how you integrate with the API. The request_id field in the response can be used for further debugging.

  • User Feedback: When applicable, Provide clear messages to your users when an error occurs, potentially using the information from the error response.


If you encounter any issues that you are unable to resolve, or if you need further clarification on the errors you are seeing, please do not hesitate to contact us (see the Contact Us section below). Provide us with the error code, message, and the context in which the error occurred, and we will assist you promptly.

Contact Us

For custom plans / high tier plans, custom services or any other subject, feel free to drop us a private message or an email and we will get back to you shortly.


The provides a convenient way to access the web search, image search translate and more using keywords. By making HTTP requests to the respective endpoints with the required parameters, you can retrieve the desired information. Refer to the documentation for more detailed usage instructions and examples.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at