Translate Plus

От Sohail Ahmed | Обновлено vor 2 Monaten | Translation

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How to translate using TranslatePlus Official API Service

Sure! Here’s a brief tutorial on how to use the TranslatePlus API service for high-volume translation:

  1. Sign up for an account with TranslatePlus at
  2. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be provided with an Trial API key having 500 Free requests. Keep this key safe as you’ll need it to authenticate your API requests.
  3. Choose the endpoint for the API service that you’d like to use. TranslatePlus offers several endpoints for your translation needs, such as translate from source to target language, language detection, or list of supported languages.
  4. Construct your API request with the necessary parameters, such as the source and target language, text to be translated, and any other options that may be available for the endpoint you’ve chosen.
  5. Send your API request to the appropriate endpoint using the HTTPS POST method. Make sure to include your API key in the headers to authenticate your request.
  6. Once you’ve received a response from the API, process the returned data as necessary, such as extracting the translated text or handling any errors that may have occurred.

Here’s an example API request using the TranslatePlus translation endpoint:

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