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Dropbox Package


  • Domain: Dropbox
  • Credentials: apiKey, apiSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Dropbox website
  2. Log in or create a new account
  3. Register an app
  4. After creation your app you will see api Secret and api Key

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects

Setting up the webhook

  1. Go to Dropbox website
  2. Log in or create a new account
  3. Go to app page
  4. Insert the webhook url and press add

You can use our service as webhookUrl:

https://webhooks.rapidapi.com/api/message/Dropbox/webhookEvent/{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above

Webhook credentials

Please use SDK to test this feature.

  1. Go to RapidAPI
  2. Log in or create an account
  3. Go to My apps
  4. Add new project with projectName to get your project Key
    | Field | Type | Description
    | projectName | credentials| Your RapidAPI project name
    | projectKey | credentials | Your RapidAPI project key


Generates user access token

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from Dropbox
apiSecret credentials Api secret obtained from Dropbox
redirectUri String Redirect uri set for your app
code String Code provided by user


Revokes user access tokens

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token to revoke


Get information about a user’s account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
userId String ID of the user


Get information about a current user’s account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token


Get information about a users’ accounts.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
userIds List IDs of the users


Get the space usage information for the current user’s account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token


Copy a file or folder to a different location in the user’s Dropbox. If the source path is a folder all its contents will be copied.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fromPath String Path in the user’s Dropbox to be copied
toPath String Path in the user’s Dropbox that is the destination.
allowSharedFolder Boolean If true, copy will copy contents in shared folder, otherwise RelocationError.cant_copy_shared_folder will be returned if from_path contains shared folder. This field is always true for move. The default for this field is False.
autoRename Boolean If there’s a conflict, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the file to avoid the conflict. The default for this field is False.


Copy multiple files or folders to different locations at once in the user’s Dropbox.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
entries List List of entries to be copied. Example: [{“from_path”:"/123/sample.json", “to_path”: “/321/sample.json”}]
allowSharedFolder Boolean If true, copy will copy contents in shared folder, otherwise RelocationError.cant_copy_shared_folder will be returned if from_path contains shared folder. This field is always true for move. The default for this field is False.
autoRename Boolean If there’s a conflict, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the file to avoid the conflict. The default for this field is False.


Returns the status of an asynchronous job for copyBatch. If success, it returns list of results for each entry.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
copyJobId String Id of the asynchronous job. This is the value of a response returned from the method that launched the job.


Get a copy reference to a file or folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
path String The path to the file or folder you want to get a copy reference to.


Save a copy reference returned by getCopyReference to the user’s Dropbox.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
destinationPath String Path in the user’s Dropbox that is the destination.
copyReference String A copy reference returned by getCopyReference.


Create a folder at a given path.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderPath String Path in the user’s Dropbox to create.
autoRename Boolean If there’s a conflict, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the folder to avoid the conflict. The default for this field is False.


Deletes a folder or a file at a given path.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
deletePath String Path in the user’s Dropbox to delete.


Delete multiple files/folders at once.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
deleteEntries List list of entries to delete. Exmaple: [{“path”:"/125"}, {“path”:"/126"}]


Returns the status of an asynchronous job for deleteBatch. If success, it returns list of results for each entry.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
deleteJobId String Id of the asynchronous job. This is the value of a response returned from the method that launched the job.


Download a file from a user’s Dropbox.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
filePath String Path of the file


Returns the metadata for a file or folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
path String Path of the file or a folder
includeMediaInfo Boolean If true, FileMetadata.media_info is set for photo and video. The default for this field is False.
includeDeleted Boolean If true, DeletedMetadata will be returned for deleted file or folder, otherwise LookupError.not_found will be returned. The default for this field is False.
includeHasExplicitSharedMembers Boolean If true, the results will include a flag for each file indicating whether or not that file has any explicit members. The default for this field is False.


Get a preview for a file. Currently previews are only generated for the files with the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .docm, .ppt, .pps, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pptx, .pptm, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .rtf.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
filePath String Path of the file


Get a temporary link to stream content of a file. This link will expire in four hours and afterwards you will get 410 Gone. Content-Type of the link is determined automatically by the file’s mime type.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
filePath String Path of the file


This method currently supports files with the following file extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, gif and bmp. Photos that are larger than 20MB in size won’t be converted to a thumbnail.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
imagePath String Path of the image
format Select The format for the thumbnail image, jpeg (default) or png. For images that are photos, jpeg should be preferred, while png is better for screenshots and digital arts. The default for this union is jpeg.
size String The size for the thumbnail image. The default for this union is w64h64.


Starts returning the contents of a folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderPath String Path of the file or a folder
recursive Boolean If true, the list folder operation will be applied recursively to all subfolders and the response will contain contents of all subfolders. The default for this field is False.
includeMediaInfo Boolean If true, FileMetadata.media_info is set for photo and video. The default for this field is False.
includeDeleted Boolean If true, DeletedMetadata will be returned for deleted file or folder, otherwise LookupError.not_found will be returned. The default for this field is False.
includeHasExplicitSharedMembers Boolean If true, the results will include a flag for each file indicating whether or not that file has any explicit members. The default for this field is False.


Once a cursor has been retrieved from getFolderContents, use this to paginate through all files and retrieve updates to the folder, following the same rules as documented for getFolderContents.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
cursor String The cursor returned by your last call to getFolderContents or paginateFolderContents


A way to quickly get a cursor for the folder’s state.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderPath String Path of the file or a folder
recursive Boolean If true, the list folder operation will be applied recursively to all subfolders and the response will contain contents of all subfolders. The default for this field is False.
includeMediaInfo Boolean If true, FileMetadata.media_info is set for photo and video. The default for this field is False.
includeDeleted Boolean If true, DeletedMetadata will be returned for deleted file or folder, otherwise LookupError.not_found will be returned. The default for this field is False.
includeHasExplicitSharedMembers Boolean If true, the results will include a flag for each file indicating whether or not that file has any explicit members. The default for this field is False.


Return revisions of a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
filePath String Path of the file
limit Number The maximum number of revision entries returned. The default for this field is 10.


Move a file or folder to a different location in the user’s Dropbox. If the source path is a folder all its contents will be moved.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fromPath String Path in the user’s Dropbox to be moved
toPath String Path in the user’s Dropbox that is the destination.
autoRename Boolean If there’s a conflict, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the file to avoid the conflict. The default for this field is False.


Move multiple files or folders to different locations at once in the user’s Dropbox.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
entries List List of entries to be moved. Example: [{“from_path”:"/123/sample.json", “to_path”: “/321/sample.json”}]
autoRename Boolean If there’s a conflict, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the file to avoid the conflict. The default for this field is False.


Returns the status of an asynchronous job for moveBatch. If success, it returns list of results for each entry.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
moveJobId String Id of the asynchronous job. This is the value of a response returned from the method that launched the job.


Restore a file to a specific revision.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
filePath String Path of the file in the user’s Dropbox to restore.
revisionId String Id of the revision


Save a specified URL into a file in user’s Dropbox. If the given path already exists, the file will be renamed to avoid the conflict (e.g. myfile (1).txt).

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
filePath String Path of the file in the user’s Dropbox to restore.
url String The URL to be saved.


Returns the status of an asynchronous job for saveFileURL. If success, it returns list of results for each entry.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
saveUrlJobId String Id of the asynchronous job. This is the value of a response returned from the method that launched the job.


Searches for files and folders.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
searchPath String The path in the user’s Dropbox to search. Should probably be a folder.
searchQuery String The string to search for. The search string is split on spaces into multiple tokens. For file name searching, the last token is used for prefix matching (i.e. “bat c” matches “bat cave” but not “batman car”).
startFrom Number The starting index within the search results (used for paging). The default for this field is 0.
maxResults Number The maximum number of search results to return. The default for this field is 100.
searchMode Select The search mode (filename, filename_and_content, or deleted_filename). Note that searching file content is only available for Dropbox Business accounts. The default for this union is filename.


Create a new file with the contents provided in the request.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
filePath String Path in the user’s Dropbox to save the file.
file File The file to upload
uploadMode String Selects what to do if the file already exists. The default for this union is add.
autoRename Boolean If there’s a conflict, as determined by mode, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the file to avoid conflict. The default for this field is False.
clientModified DatePicker Timestamp(format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") The value to store as the client_modified timestamp.
mute Boolean Normally, users are made aware of any file modifications in their Dropbox account via notifications in the client software. If true, this tells the clients that this modification shouldn’t result in a user notification. The default for this field is False.


Marks the given Paper doc as deleted. This operation is non-destructive and the doc can be revived by the owner.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document


Return the list of all Paper docs according to the argument specifications.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
filterBy Select Allows user to specify how the Paper docs should be filtered. Possible values: docs_accessed(default), docs_created
sortBy Select Allows user to specify how the Paper docs should be sorted. Possible values: accessed(default), modified, created
sortOrder Select Allows user to specify the sort order of the result. Possible values: ascending(default), descending
limit Number Size limit per batch. The maximum number of docs that can be retrieved per batch is 1000. Higher value results in invalid arguments error. The default for this field is 1000.


Exports and downloads Paper doc either as HTML.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document


Exports and downloads Paper doc either as Markdown.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document


Lists the users who are explicitly invited to the Paper folder in which the Paper doc is contained. For private folders all users (including owner) shared on the folder are listed and for team folders all non-team users shared on the folder are returned.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document
limit Number Size limit per batch. The maximum number of users that can be retrieved per batch is 1000. Higher value results in invalid arguments error. The default for this field is 1000.


Once a cursor has been retrieved from getDocInvitedUsers, use this to paginate through all users on the Paper folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document
cursor String he cursor obtained from getDocInvitedUsers


Retrieves folder information for the given Paper doc.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document


Once a cursor has been retrieved from getDocs, use this to paginate through all Paper doc.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
cursor String The cursor obtained from getDocs


Gets the default sharing policy for the given Paper doc.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document


Sets the default sharing policy for the given Paper doc.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document
publicSharingPolicy Select This value applies to the non-team members. Possible values: people_with_link_can_edit, people_with_link_can_view_and_comment, invite_only, disabled
teamSharingPolicy Select This value applies to the team members. Possible values: people_with_link_can_edit, people_with_link_can_view_and_comment, invite_only


Allows an owner or editor to add users to a Paper doc or change their permissions using their email or Dropbox account id.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document
membersList List Users which should be added to the Paper doc. Specify only email or Dropbox account id. Example: [{“member”: {".tag": “email”,“email”: "justin@example.com"},“permission_level”:{".tag":“view_and_comment”}}]
customMessage String A personal message that will be emailed to each successfully added member.
quiet Boolean Clients should set this to true if no email shall be sent to added users. The default for this field is False.


Lists all users who visited the Paper doc or users with explicit access. This call excludes users who have been removed.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document
limit Number Size limit per batch. The maximum number of users that can be retrieved per batch is 1000. Higher value results in invalid arguments error. The default for this field is 1000.
filterBy Select Specify this attribute if you want to obtain users that have already accessed the Paper doc. Possible values: shared(default), visited


Once a cursor has been retrieved from getVisitedDocUsers, use this to paginate through all users on the Paper doc.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document
cursor String The cursor obtained from getVisitedDocUsers


Allows an owner or editor to remove users from a Paper doc using their email or Dropbox account id.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document
memberTag String Includes different ways to identify a member of a shared folder. This datatype comes from an imported namespace originally defined in the sharing namespace. The value will be one of the following datatypes. New values may be introduced as our API evolves. Possible values: email, dropbox_id
memberIdentifier String Id of the user or email


Permanently deletes the given Paper doc. This operation is final as the doc cannot be recovered.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
documentId String Id of the document


Adds specified members to a file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fileId String Id of the file
membersList List Users which should be added to the Paper doc. Specify only email or Dropbox account id. Example: [{".tag": “email”,“email”: "justin@example.com"}]
customMessage String A personal message that will be emailed to each successfully added member.
quiet Boolean Clients should set this to true if no email shall be sent to added users. The default for this field is False.
addMessageAsComment Boolean If the custom message should be added as a comment on the file. The default for this field is False.
accessLevel Select AccessLevel union object, describing what access level we want to give new members. Possible values: viewer(default), owner, editor, viewer_no_comment.


Adds specified members to a folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String Id of the folder
membersList List Users which should be added to the Paper doc. Specify only email or Dropbox account id. Example: [{“member” :{".tag": “email”,“email”: "justin@example.com"}}]
customMessage String A personal message that will be emailed to each successfully added member.
quiet Boolean Clients should set this to true if no email shall be sent to added users. The default for this field is False.


Return the list of all shared folders the current user has access to.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
limit Number The maximum number of results to return per request. The default for this field is 1000.
actionsList String A list of FolderActions corresponding to FolderPermissions that should appear in the response’s SharedFolderMetadata.permissions field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the folder.


Returns the status of an asynchronous job.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
jobId String Id of the asynchronous job. This is the value of a response returned from the method that launched the job


Create a shared link with custom settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
linkPath String The path to be shared by the shared link
requestedVisibility Select The requested access for this shared link. Possible values: public, team_only


Returns shared file metadata.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fileId String The file to query.
options List A list of FileActions corresponding to FilePermissions that should appear in the response’s SharedFileMetadata.permissions field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the file.


Returns shared file metadata.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fileIds List Files to query.
options List A list of FileActions corresponding to FilePermissions that should appear in the response’s SharedFileMetadata.permissions field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the file.


Returns shared folder metadata by its folder ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String The ID for the shared folder.
options List A list of FolderActions corresponding to FolderPermissions that should appear in the response’s SharedFolderMetadata.permissions field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the folder.


Download the shared link’s file from a user’s Dropbox.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
linkUrl String URL of the shared link.
path String If the shared link is to a folder, this parameter can be used to retrieve the metadata for a specific file or sub-folder in this folder. A relative path should be used.
linkPassword String If the shared link has a password, this parameter can be used.


Get the shared link’s metadata.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
linkUrl String URL of the shared link.
path String If the shared link is to a folder, this parameter can be used to retrieve the metadata for a specific file or sub-folder in this folder. A relative path should be used.
linkPassword String If the shared link has a password, this parameter can be used.


Use to obtain the members who have been invited to a file, both inherited and uninherited members.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fileId String The file for which you want to see members.
limit Number Number of members to return max per query. Defaults to 100 if no limit is specified. The default for this field is 100.
actions List The actions for which to return permissions on a member.
includeInherited Boolean Whether to include members who only have access from a parent shared folder. The default for this field is True.


Get members of multiple files at once. The arguments to this route are more limited, and the limit on query result size per file is more strict.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fileIds List Files for which you want to see members.
limit Number Number of members to return max per query. Defaults to 10 if no limit is specified.


Once a cursor has been retrieved from getFileInvitedUsers or getFilesInvitedUsers, use this to paginate through all shared file members.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
cursor String The cursor returned by your last call


Returns shared folder membership by its folder ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String The folder for which you want to see members.
limit Number Number of members to return max per query. The default for this field is 1000.
actions List The actions for which to return permissions on a member.


Once a cursor has been retrieved from getSharedFolderMembers, use this to paginate through all shared folder members.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
cursor String The cursor returned by your last call


Once a cursor has been retrieved from getUserSharedFolders, use this to paginate through all shared folders.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
cursor String The cursor returned by your last call


Return the list of all shared folders the current user can mount or unmount.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
limit Number Number of members to return max per query. The default for this field is 1000.
actions List A list of FolderActions corresponding to FolderPermissions that should appear in the response’s SharedFolderMetadata.permissions field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the folder.


Once a cursor has been retrieved from getUserMountableFolders, use this to paginate through all mountable folders.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
cursor String The cursor returned by your last call


Returns a list of all files shared with current user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
limit Number Number of members to return max per query. The default for this field is 100.
actions List A list of FileActions corresponding to FilePermissions that should appear in the response’s SharedFileMetadata.permissions field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the file.


Get more results with a cursor from getUserSharedFiles

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
cursor String The cursor returned by your last call


Create a shared link with custom settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
linkUrl String URL of the shared link to change its settings
requestedVisibility Select The requested access for this shared link. Possible values: public, team_only


The current user relinquishes their membership in the designated file. Note that the current user may still have inherited access to this file through the parent folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fileId String ID of the file


The current user relinquishes their membership in the designated folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String ID of the folder
leaveCopy Boolean Keep a copy of the folder’s contents upon relinquishing membership. The default for this field is False.


Share a folder with collaborators.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderPath String The path to the folder to share. If it does not exist, then a new one is created.
memberPolicy Select Who can be a member of this shared folder. Only applicable if the current user is on a team. Possible values: team, anyone
aclUpdatePolicy Select Who can add and remove members of this shared folder. Possible values: owner, editors
sharedLinkPolicy Select The policy to apply to shared links created for content inside this shared folder. The current user must be on a team to set this policy to SharedLinkPolicy.members. Possible values: anyone, team, members
forceAsync Boolean Whether to force the share to happen asynchronously. The default for this field is False.
actions List A list of FolderActions corresponding to FolderPermissions that should appear in the response’s SharedFolderMetadata.permissions field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the folder.
accessLevel Select The access level on the link for this file. Currently, it only accepts ‘viewer’ and ‘viewer_no_comment’.
linkAudience Select The type of audience on the link for this file. Possible values: public, team, members
linkExpiry JSON An expiry timestamp to set on a link. Possible values: remove_expiry, set_expiry Timestamp(format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") Set a new expiry or change an existing expiry.
linkPassword Select The password for the link. Possible values: remove_password, set_password
viewerInfoPolicy Select Who can enable/disable viewer info for this shared folder.Possible values: enabled, disabled


Returns the status of an asynchronous job for sharing a folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
shareJobId String ID of the share job


Allows a shared folder owner to unshare the folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String ID of the folder
leaveCopy Boolean Keep a copy of the folder’s contents upon relinquishing membership. The default for this field is False.


Remove all members from this file. Does not remove inherited members.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fileId String ID of the file


The current user mounts the designated folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String ID of the folder


The current user unmounts the designated folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String ID of the folder


Revoke a shared link.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
linkUrl String URL of the shared link.


Removes a specified member from the file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fileId String Id of the file
member JSON Member to remove from this file. Note that even if an email is specified, it may result in the removal of a user (not an invitee) if the user’s main account corresponds to that email address. Example: {".tag": “email”,“email”: "justin@example.com"}


Removes a specified member from the folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String Id of the file
member JSON Member to remove from this file. Note that even if an email is specified, it may result in the removal of a user (not an invitee) if the user’s main account corresponds to that email address. Example: {".tag": “email”,“email”: "justin@example.com"}
leaveCopy Boolean If true, the removed user will keep their copy of the folder after it’s unshared, assuming it was mounted. Otherwise, it will be removed from their Dropbox. Also, this must be set to false when kicking a group.


Returns the status of an asynchronous job.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
removeJobId String Id of the asynchronous job. This is the value of a response returned from the method that launched the job


Transfer ownership of a shared folder to a member of the shared folder.User must have AccessLevel.owner access to the shared folder to perform a transfer.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String ID of the folder
userId String ID of the user


Changes a member’s access on a shared file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
fileId String Id of the file
memberId String Dropbox ID of the user
accessLevel Select Defines the access levels for collaborators. Currently only available: viewer


Changes a member’s access on a shared folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String Id of the folder
member JSON Member to remove from this file. Note that even if an email is specified, it may result in the removal of a user (not an invitee) if the user’s main account corresponds to that email address. Example: {".tag": “email”,“email”: "justin@example.com"}
accessLevel Select Defines the access levels for collaborators. Currently only available: viewer, editor


Update the sharing policies for a shared folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token
folderId String The ID of the folder
memberPolicy Select Who can be a member of this shared folder. Only applicable if the current user is on a team. Possible values: team, anyone
aclUpdatePolicy Select Who can add and remove members of this shared folder. Possible values: owner, editors
sharedLinkPolicy Select The policy to apply to shared links created for content inside this shared folder. The current user must be on a team to set this policy to SharedLinkPolicy.members. Possible values: anyone, team, members
forceAsync Boolean Whether to force the share to happen asynchronously. The default for this field is False.
actions List A list of FolderActions corresponding to FolderPermissions that should appear in the response’s SharedFolderMetadata.permissions field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the folder.
accessLevel Select The access level on the link for this file. Currently, it only accepts ‘viewer’ and ‘viewer_no_comment’.
linkAudience Select The type of audience on the link for this file. Possible values: public, team, members
linkExpiry JSON An expiry timestamp to set on a link. Possible values: remove_expiry, set_expiry Timestamp(format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") Set a new expiry or change an existing expiry.
linkPassword Select The password for the link. Possible values: remove_password, set_password
viewerInfoPolicy Select Who can enable/disable viewer info for this shared folder.Possible values: enabled, disabled
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Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
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