Image resizer

От tadaspaplauskas | Обновлено vor 2 Monaten | Video, Images

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Here’s the table of everything possible with this API:

Parameter Values Explaination
width integer Resize image to specified width, while maintaining aspect ratio.
height integer Resize image to specified height, while maintaining aspect ratio.
fit boolean Combines cropping with resizing to achieve desired width and height. If height is not provided, same value as width will be used.
blur integer, 0-100 Blurs the picture, defaults to 1
greyscale boolean Makes the picture black and white
invert boolean Inverts colors in the picture
flip h for horizontal (default), v for vertical Flips the image like a mirror.
rotate 0-360 Rotates the image counter-clockwise by a given angle.
pixelate integer Applies a pixelation effect to the current image with a given size of pixels.
quality 0-100 Encodes the image in a given image quality. Only applies to JPG. Defaults to 90.
format jpg, png, gif Encodes the image in a given format. Defaults to JPG.
brightness -100…+100 Changes the brightness of the current image by the given level.
contrast -100…+100 Changes the contrast of the current image by the given level.
watermark string Adds a watermark on the picture. Can contain url to a watermark file or text to superimpose.

All manipulations can be combined and stacked in the same request.

If you’re using GET endpoint, pass them as query parameters.

If you’re using POST endpoint, pass them either as query parameters or form data.

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