Tank01 Fantasy Stats

От tank01 | Обновлено 10日前 | Sports

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Unable to pull stats for rookies.

Rapid account: Ivolu 2

When pulling up game info for rookies, no stats are available.

Rapid account: Ivolu 2
ivolu2 Commented 5ヶ月前

Yes I was talking about getNBAPlayerInfo, just tested and it on my end and its working. Thanks for the quick update!

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented 5ヶ月前

I’m looking at the logs and I see that you’re also calling endpoint /getNBAGamesForPlayer . If you are doing that, then make sure you’re specifically using parameter “season=2024” or remove “season” from your call completely. If you call it with no “season” parameter then it will default to current season, 2024.

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented 5ヶ月前

Hi ivolu2, are you talking about the endpoint for getNBAPlayerInfo ? If so, I just fixed that bug and you should be good. Please let me know if there’s a different endpoint you’re talking about. Thanks

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