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415 error in node.js axios example

Rapid account: Dimqakolyada

I try to use your API in my node js app.
I use axios to send requests, but in response, I see only 415 error even in axios example.

Example code:

const axios = require("axios");

    "text":"The frogs hopped from rock to rock."


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    [Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
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      host: [Array]
  data: {
    result_code: '415',
    result_msg: 'Does not look like a valid request'
Rapid account: Dimqakolyada
dimqakolyada Commented 4年前

Is it possible to solve it?

Rapid account: Dimqakolyada
dimqakolyada Commented 4年前

It doesn’t work. The same response. axios@0.21.0

Rapid account: Twinword
twinword Commented 4年前

Hi dimqakolyada!

How about testing with the below?

const axios = require(“axios”);

“exclude_non_content_words”:false,“text”:“The frogs hopped from rock to rock.”

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