Rapid account: mazira

mazira / mazira


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@EricLayne, thanks. You might be correct. I tried some stuff, but I can't seem to figure out the problem. I am going to ask one of our senior devs to look at it. Unfortunately, she is on vacation this week. I will keep you posted. Sorry about this. Mon 1:21 3/7/17
@EricLayne, thanks. You might be correct. I tried some stuff, but I can't seem to figure out the problem. I am going to ask one of our senior devs to look at it. Unfortunately, she is on vacation this week. I will keep you posted. Sorry about this. Mon 1:21 3/7/17
@EricLayne, thanks. You might be correct. I tried some stuff, but I can't seem to figure out the problem. I am going to ask one of our senior devs to look at it. Unfortunately, she is on vacation this week. I will keep you posted. Sorry about this. Mon 1:21 3/7/17
This error occurs when the Mashape proxy times-out and assumes it is getting no response from the server. This can happen when processing multiple pages at high resolution. I believe that Mashape recently reduced its timeout, exacerbating the problem. There is a way to process a PDF page-by-page, which should avoid the timeout issue. This is not yet documented in Mashape, but I will describe it below: If the output parameter is not specified, it will assume that you are processing page-by-page, and will immediately return a JSON array of relative page URLs. You can then send individual GET requests to these URLs, along with the res, quality, and png8 parameters as query parameters. Note that in this mode, it is not necessary to send res, quality, or png8 along with the original POST request. I will update the Mashape documentation to reflect this additional option. Fri 3:06 20/5/16
I will add that if Mashape is still timing out when processing the pages individually, there are a few things we can try. Your `res` and `quality` params are pretty high, and reducing them will speed up the processing. If this is not acceptable, we may have to implement a session endpoint, where you can fire off the conversion and then ping a new URL to detect when the processing is complete. Thu 7:46 3/7/14
I will add that if Mashape is still timing out when processing the pages individually, there are a few things we can try. Your `res` and `quality` params are pretty high, and reducing them will speed up the processing. If this is not acceptable, we may have to implement a session endpoint, where you can fire off the conversion and then ping a new URL to detect when the processing is complete. Thu 7:46 3/7/14