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Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis API provides professional text sentiment analysis service which includes common text sentiment analysis, stock sentiment analysis and twitter sentiment analysis, it is based on advanced Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies. It can be used to sentiment text that user provided, and give the result with the sentiment and confidence for the text. For more information, you can test those service by the demo on our website:
By TextMiner
Updated 3 weeks ago
TextAnalysis API provides customized Text Analysis,Text Mining and Text Processing Services like Text Summarization, Language Detection, Text Classification, Sentiment Analysis, Word Tokenize, Part-of-Speech(POS) Tagging, Named Entity Recognition(NER), Stemmer, Lemmatizer, Chunker, Parser, Key Phrase Extraction(Noun Phrase Extraction), Sentence Segmentation(Sentence Boundary Detection), Grammar Checker and other Text Analysis Tasks. It stands on the giant shoulders of NLP Tools, such as NLTK, TextBlob, Pattern, MBSP and etc. You can test the services on our demo website TextAnalysisOnline and use the TextAnalysis API on Mashape. If you have any questions or want any customized text analysis services, you can contact us by email:
By TextMiner
Updated 3 weeks ago
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Extraction API provides professional keyword extractor service which is based on advanced Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies. It can be used to extract topn important keywords from the URL or document that user provided. If you want test our automatic keyword extraction service, you can use our free automatic keyword extractor online demo:
By TextMiner
Updated 3 weeks ago
Text Summarization
Text Summarization API provides professional text summarizer service which is based on advanced Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies. It can be used to summarize short important text from the URL or document that user provided. If you want test our automatic text summarization service, you can use our free automaticText Summarizer online demo:
By TextMiner
Updated 3 weeks ago
Document Similarity
Document Similarity API is based on advanced Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies, and it belongs to text analysis and can be used to analysis the semantic similarity of two text document that user provided. The result is cosine similarity from 0 to 1, 0 means absolute different, 1 means absolute same.
By TextMiner
Updated 3 weeks ago
Word Similarity
Get similar words、synonyms words or antonyms words for 89 languages by Word Similarity API
By TextMiner
Updated 3 weeks ago