ChatGPT Ai Chat bot

От NextBase | Обновлено 2 months ago | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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You have consumed all of the allocated API calls...

Rapid account: Hpfarhad
a year ago

I used 3791 (from 10000) requests in my plan but I received this message:

You have consumed all of the allocated API calls under your PRO subscription to the ChatGPT Ai Chat bot API. If you continue to make calls, you will incur overage fees or get blocked on this API. We strongly recommend that you upgrade to a pricing plan with a higher quota.

Rapid account: Yourdevmail
yourdevmail Commented a year ago

Hello there,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m sorry to hear that you have exhausted all of your allocated API calls under your PRO subscription to the ChatGPT Ai Chat bot API. As a friendly reminder, the quota for your API calls is managed by Rapid API and not by us.

Upon reviewing your API usage, we can confirm that you have used all 10,000 requests that were allocated to your PRO subscription to the ChatGPT Ai Chat bot API.

If you believe that your API usage has been calculated incorrectly or you have any billing-related concerns, we recommend that you reach out to Rapid API directly for assistance.Please let us know if you have any further questions or if there’s anything else we can assist you with.

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