No Intrusive steganografy

By sachadee | Updated 2달 전 | Cryptography
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Using the API

**Binding a message to an Image:

  1. choose “Bind and crypt a message to an image”
  2. Choose an Image : **image.jpg **for example
  3. write your secret message : My secret message!!! for example
  4. write a username for this message : jason for example
  5. press the test endpoint button.

You will receive a JSON like this :


The important value to retrieve the message is the username you defined and the “user_ref_img” value: ugnEXGIip0 in this case, and the image name!

**Retriving a message binded to an image:

  1. choose “Get the message binded to an image”
  2. load the same image you loaded in the first step: image.jpg in this case
  3. write the user_ref_img value : ugnEXGIip0 in this case
  4. write the username you defined for this case 😗* jason** in this case
  5. press the test endpoint button.

You will receive a JSON like this :

{“status”:“success”,“user_ref_img”:“ugnEXGIip0”,“image”:“image.jpg”,“decryptedMessage”:“My Message to hide!!!”,“time”:“29-08-2023_20-58-08”}

Very easy and secure!!

If you don’t remember the refs for each image for a username :

  1. choose Get user Ref IDs
  2. write the username: robert in this case
  3. press the test endpoint button

You will receive a JSON like this :


all_ref_id will have an array with all IDs and related image.

Any doubt just ask!