Custom QR Codes

By sisinfo | Updated לפני חודשיים | Tools
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Endpoint URL: /custom
Methods : GET
Response: Image (PNG, JPG, SVG or PDF file)

Generate a custom QR Code. The parameters are to be sent as query string. The response for this API call is an image. By default the image format is PNG. Other formats can be specified in the file parameter. The content type of the reponse depends on the image format. For example, image/png.
Most of the visual aspects of the QR Code can be customized. The parameters below gives the details.
It is possible to use a custom logo. For this use the /upload end point, prior to calling this one. The response from that call can be used in the logo paramaeter of this api call.

Parameter Type Default Description
data String required The text or content to be encoded as QR Code.
size Integer 100 The minimum pixel size of the QR Code. Actual size of the response image will be slightly bigger depending on the length of the data and configuration. (QR Code is a square).

bodyStyle String square The style of the individual pixels of the body of the QR Code. Can be one of:
square , dot, circle, h-line, v-line, skewed-rect, rounded-circle, hatched, hatched-rounded, diamond, star, pointed, pointed-rounded, pointed-diamond, rounded-rect, needle, pointed-in, pointed-in-rounded, rounded-in, round

eyeStyle String frame1 The style of the eyeframe (the outer part of the three boxes on the corners) of the QR Code. Can be one of:
frame1, frame2, frame3, frame4,frame5, frame6, frame7, frame8, frame9, frame10, frame11
eyeBallStyle String frame1 The style of the eyeball (the inner part of the three boxes on the corners) of the QR Code. Can be one of:
ball1, ball2, ball3, ball4, ball5, ball6, ball7, ball8, ball9, ball10, ball11, ball12, ball13, ball14, ball15

For Styles of different parts of QR Code, please check

bodyColor String #000000 Color of the pixels of the body of the QR Code.
bgColor String #ffffff Background color of the QR Code.
eyeTopLeft String #000000 Color of the top left eyeframe of the QR Code.
eyeTopRight String #000000 Color of the top right eyeframe of the QR Code.
eyeBottomLeft String #000000 Color of the bottom left eyeframe of the QR Code.
eyeBallTopLeft String #000000 Color of the top left eyeball of the QR Code.
eyeBallTopRight String #000000 Color of the top right eyeball of the QR Code.
eyeBallBottomLeft String #000000 Color of the bottom left eyeball of the QR Code.
gradientColor1 String #000000 Color 1 of the color-gradient for the body of the QR Code. If using gradient colors, bodyColor is ignored.
gradientColor2 String #000000 Color 2 of the color-gradient for the body of the QR Code. If using gradient colors, bodyColor is ignored.
logo String The name of the logo to be used. This name is returned in response to /upload API call. Please see the documentation for the upload endpoint for details.

Request URL: /custom
Request Method: GET
Query String: ?data=Buy%20Now&size=1000