Rewriter/Paraphraser/Text Changer (Multi-Language)

By Smodin | Updated לפני 8 ימים | Text Analysis

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Auto spinner Smodin API

Rapid account: Mixalis Panagiotaras
לפני שנה


I am using a wordpress plugin [auto spinner]( and managed to make it work with this API. My question is because the plugin doesnt have the strengh setting to choose a value 1,2,3 I see that propably its using the default 3…

I really need to change this value to a less aggressive value 1 can you guide me how to change the default value?

Rapid account: Mixalis Panagiotaras
mixalis.panagiotaras Commented לפני שנה

Ok I already contact the developer and wait for his feedback. In the meanwhile why don’t you upgrade your dated Wordpress Smodin plugin to be able to rewrite new posts AUTOMATICALLY in order to not have to buy and use** third party plugins**? What’s the point to press the rewrite button yourself from the plugin and pay for the API?
I can do this manually from webstie and pay 10$/month…
What is the plan here?

Rapid account: Smodin
smodin Commented לפני שנה

Hello, that plugin is not provided by us, you need to contact the plugin provider.

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