
By SMSPortal | Updated hace 21 días | SMS
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Quick Start Guide

Get up and running with our Quick Start Guide and start developing your SMSPortal integration.
Integrating with SMSPortal can begin as soon as you create a SMSPortal account, and requires three steps:

  • Generate your API Credentials so SMSPortal can authenticate your integration’s API requests.
  • Start building so that your integration can interact with the REST API
  • Make a test API Request in test mode to confirm that everything is working.
    Be sure to refer to our comprehensive API Reference as you navigate through this guide.

Generate your API Credentials

The REST API uses an API Client ID and API Secret to authenticate requests. You can create, view and manage your Client ID and Secret in the SMSPortal Control Panel.

API Credential Security
Your API Credentials carry many privileges and your Secret cannot be accessed after creation, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API credentials in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.

All API requests should be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will work but are not recommended. API requests without authentication will fail.
The RESTful API authenticates HTTP requests using tokens, which are generated using your API credentials. Each token is valid for 24 hours from creation, after which they expire and a new token will need to be generated.
To generate a token, BASE64 encode your API credentials in the format ClientID:APISecret and include them in the Basic Authentication Header, ex. BASIC WFhYWFhYWFgtWFhYWC1YWFhYLVhYWFgtWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYOlhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhY.
Subsequent API calls will require the token returned by the authentication request, in the Authorization harder, ex. Bearer WU9VUiBHRU5FUkFURUQgVE9LRU4gWU9VUiBHRU5FUkFURUQgVE9LRU4gWU9VUiBHRU5FUkFURUQg VE9LRU4gWU9VUiBHRU5FUkFURUQgVE9LRU4gWU9VUiBHRU5FUkFURUQgVE9LRU4=.

Implement these best practices when integrating with SMSPortal’s REST API.

Make a Test API Request

To check that your integration is working correctly, send a message with the testMode parameter set to true and ensure that SMSPortal returns a successful response to your API request.


We advise that you use webhooks to receive feedback on the delivery of any messages sent or for the processing of any replies to the messages.
These webhooks can be registered via the customer portal or by using the provided WebhookRegistration API calls.
For more details on the supported webhooks, please see our webhooks documentation.

Complete API documentation

For the complete API documentation please see including various code recipes for sending SMSes.